I den tradisjonelle kalenderen er hele pasjonstida (fra søndag før palmesøndag) fokusert på motstanden mot Jesus og hans lidelse. Dette leste vi til messen og matutin på tirsdag etter pasjonssøndag:
Johannes 7:1-13
Siden drog Jesus omkring i Galilea. Han ville ikke være i Judea, fordi jødene stod ham etter livet. 2 Det var like før løvhyttefesten, en av jødenes høytider. 3 Brødrene hans sa da til ham: «Dra bort herfra og reis til Judea, så også disiplene dine kan få se de gjerninger du gjør! 4 For ingen virker i det skjulte, hvis han vil bli kjent. Når du nå gjør slike gjerninger, så stå fram for all verden!» 5 For heller ikke brødrene hans trodde på ham. 6 Jesus sa til dem: «Min tid er ennå ikke kommet, men for dere er det alltid den rette tid. 7 Verden kan ikke hate dere, men meg hater den, fordi jeg vitner om at dens gjerninger er onde. 8 Dere kan dra opp til høytiden; jeg drar ikke, for min tid er ennå ikke kommet.» 9 Dette sa han til dem og ble selv igjen i Galilea. 10 Men etter at brødrene hans var dratt opptil høytiden, drog han også av sted, ikke åpenlyst, men uten at noen la merke til det. 11 Jødene lette etter ham under festen og spurte: «Hvor er han?» 12 Og det ble hvisket mye om ham i mengden. Noen sa: «Han er en god mann.» «Nei, han fører folket vill!» sa andre. 13 Ingen snakket åpent om ham, for de var redde for jødene.Homily by St Augustin, Bishop of Hippo. – 28th Tract on John.
In this chapter of the Gospel, my brethren, our Lord Jesus Christ hath much commended Himself unto our faith, as touching His Manhood. At the same time, His words and works were alway such as to give us to believe that He is both God and Man, yea, that God Who made us, and that Man Who hath sought us, yea, God the Son, Who, as touching His Godhead, is alway with the Father, John i. 18; iii. 13, and, as touching His Manhood, hath been with us in time. Matth. i. 23. For He had not sought the work of His hands unless He had been made His own work. John i. 14. Keep this well in mind, and let your hearts never forget it, namely, that Christ was not made Man so as to cease to be God. He, Who made the Manhood, took It into that Godhead Which is His from everlasting to everlasting.While therefore He lay hid in the Manhood, we must not think that He had suffered any lessening of power, but that He was giving ensample to our weakness. When He willed it, He was taken; when He willed it, He was put to death. John x. 18. But, since He was to have members, that is, His faithful people, who would not have that power over their lives which He, our God, had over His, He hid Himself, He concealed Himself, as if it were to escape being put to death, to show what should be done by those His members in whom He should dwell.
Christ is not the Head of His Church in such sense that He is not in her Body; but the whole Christ is in the Head, and the whole Christ is in the Body. That, then, which His members are is Himself, though That Which He is, That are not therefore His members. For if His members had not been indeed His Own, how had He said unto Saul, Acts ix. 4: Why persecutest thou Me? since Saul was not persecuting Him in Himself, but in His members, that is, in His faithful ones which were upon earth. He said not, Why persecutest thou My holy ones, nor, My servants, no, nor yet called He them by that more honourable name, My brethren, but, Why persecutest thou Me? that is, the members of My Body, whose Head I am.