Liturgibloggen PrayTell (som ikke er særlig tradisjonell/konservativ) skrev tidligere i august om Vatikankonsilets konstusjon Sacrosanctum Concilium (les den på norsk her), artikkel 54:
Morsmålet kan gis en passende plass i de messer der folket er til stede, særlig med hensyn til lesningene og kirkebønnen, og etter som de lokale forhold tilsier det, også i de deler som tilkommer folket, i samsvar med art. 36 i denne konstitusjon. En skal allikevel sørge for at de troende er i stand til å resitere eller synge på latin de av messens faste deler som tilkommer dem. Der hvor det imidlertid synes å være ønskelig med en mer omfattende bruk av morsmålet i messen, skal man holde seg til art. 40 i denne konstitusjon.
Om dette skriver så PrayTell:
The Council Fathers apply the general permission to employ the vernacular in Catholic worship found in article 36.2 to the particular case of the celebration of the Eucharist. There “readings and directives, … some … prayers and chants” are mentioned; here readings in the vernacular are reiterated and “the common prayer” (which had been restored in the preceding article) is also proposed to be prayed in the vernacular. …. The Council Fathers also direct that worshipers should be prepared to say or chant the Latin texts of the Order Missae appropriate for assembly members, although they do not suggest the means by which this is to be done.
Pray, Tell readers may wish to discuss: 1) the wisdom of these directives in the light of fifty years’ experience; 2) how these directives have or have not been fulfilled and how that is to be interpreted (the “reception” of these directives); and/or 3) the practical processes by which the directives have been implemented.
Så kan man lese 83 ganske interessante kommentarer. Jeg syns kommentar #39, av Fr. Allan J. McDonald er spesielt interessant; han mener at språkforandringen ikke var det viktigste, heller ikke at man snudde alteret, men heller forandringene i messens rubrikker mellom 1965 og 1969:
I don’t know if that is true or not, but the point I was making is that Latin for the laity, at least in this country, was dropped in favor of English almost overnight and codified in a missal that was basically Tridentine. It was the Tridentine Mass in English that could be celebrated facing the congregation that was warmly accepted in a pre-Vatican II sort of way by the laity, but I truly think even old-time Catholics of that period liked the English and embraced it, but in the context of the Tridentine Mass. The only value to saving Latin is a common language amongst the diversity of nationalities when celebrating Mass but also an acknowledgement of our liturgical heritage that is common to Latin Rite Catholics. How much Latin or how little is the question. Evidently many parishes preserve it in some fashion, but there is no consistency.