Ai divorziati niente comunione. Credo che il papa deciderà così.

Det er kardinal Angelo Scola, Milanos erkebiskop, som sier dette; at han ikke tror paven vil komme til å tillate at gjengifte kan motta kommunion. Han sa dette i et intervju med “Corriere della Sera” 2. desember, og i engelsk oversettelse sa han bl.a.:

Q: On the point of communion for the divorced and remarried, what is your position?

A: I have discussed this intensely, in particular with cardinals Marx, Danneels, Schönborn, who were in my “smaller circle,” but I am unable to see adequate reasons for a positon that on the one hand affirms the indissolubility of marriage as beyond question, but on the other seems to deny it in fact, almost effecting a separation between doctrine, pastoral practice, and discipline. This way of maintaining reduces it to a sort of Platonic idea, which lies in the Empyrean and does not enter into the concreteness of life. And it raises an educational problem: how can we tell young people who are marrying today, for whom the “forever” is very difficult, that marriage is indissoluble, if they know that in any case there will always be a way out? It is a question that is hardly raised, and this astonishes me.


Q: And if instead at the end of the synod the pope should take a position that you do not share?

A: I believe he will do no such thing.

Min kilde er Sandro Magister – nederst denne artikkelen.

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