Sandro Magister mener i alle fall at man ikke skal forvente veldig mye klarhet i de 200 sidene, og referer til hva kardinal Kasper, erkebiskop Gänswein og kardinal Müller mener. Slik åpner artikkelen:
The anticipation of the apostolic exhortation in which Pope Francis will sum up the twofold synod on the family is becoming more feverish by the day.
And meanwhile the expectations concerning the papal document are being lined up on their respective fronts, even now presaging the divisions that will explode after its publication.
On the one side there is a triumphant Cardinal Walter Kasper, the leader of the reformers, according to whom the exhortation “will be the first step in a reform that will turn the page back for the Church after a period of 1700 years” (presumably a reference to the Council of Nicea in 325, canon 8 of which, according to a reckless exegesis, authorized communion for the divorced and remarried).
While on the opposite front there is for example Archbishop Georg Gänswein, prefect of the pontifical household and secretary of pope emeritus Benedict XVI, according to whom the exhortation will instead contain “what the magisterium of the Church has always said,” without deviations in doctrine or in pastoral practice.
The widespread sense is that both sides have a case to make, considering the invincible ambiguity that characterizes the pronouncements of Pope Francis. Because it is easy to foresee that anyone will be able to dig out from among the 200 pages of the document the passage that he likes most, and act accordingly.
The draft of the exhortation has also undergone the scrutiny of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith, which – according to several leaks – sent it back to the pope along with a number of proposed changes. It is not been made known if and to what extent Francis may have taken the observations of the congregation to heart.
What is known, however, is the thinking in this area of the prefect of the congregation for the doctrine of the faith, German cardinal Gerhard L. Müller, who is also one of the thirteen cardinals who at the beginning of the last synod warned the pope, in a letter, against the danger of “predetermined results on important disputed questions,” in rupture with tradition, especially on communion for the divorced and remarried.
And now Müller, just when the publication of the apostolic exhortation is imminent, has come out into the open again with a wide-ranging book-length interview, not only on the family but also on other burning questions.
The book was recently released in Spain, published by the Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, and will soon be available in Italian, English, French, German …
Lenger nede i artikkelen gjengir Margister en del synspunkter fra Müllers intervjubok – om homofilt samliv, hvem som kan ta imot kommunion, protestantisering av Kirken, kvinnelige prester og sølibatet.