I England har Damian Thompson lenge vært en kjent katolsk journalist og blogger, og han har oftest kritisert de liberale kreftene i Kirken, og bl.a. elsket den tradisjonelle latinske messen. Nå ser dette ut til å ha forandret seg, kan vi lese i Catholic Herald (og nyheten diskuteres på en progressiv liturgiblogg):
… In the past few years I’ve been reintegrated into the ordinary Catholic Church. The process began when a musician friend started taking me to the low-key Sunday evening Mass at Farm Street. But things really picked up when I began regular attendance at the church opposite my flat, St Mary of the Angels, Notting Hill. My parish priest is the lovely Mgr Keith Barltrop, who has banished the last remnants of BCM (Bad Catholic Music); on Friday the shivers ran up my spine when, as I queued for the Adoration of the Cross, the organ struck up a familiar ground bass and I heard the Crucifixus of Bach’s B Minor Mass, exquisitely performed by a small choir that must have had professional singers in it. I fought back tears, which is how it should be on Good Friday.
Thanks to Fr Keith, there are proper candles in the sanctuary and a “Benedict Cross” on the altar. The servers are nicely drilled. But lots of them are girls and at every Mass there are lay ministers of Holy Communion. The sign of peace can be quite exuberant.
And it doesn’t bother me in the least. These are signs of the comforting “ordinariness” of worship that takes me back to my Catholic childhood. Indeed, the longer I attend, the more I realise that the cradle bits of my Catholicism never went away, though they’re not necessarily very edifying.
For example, my hearts leaps – just as it did in 1975 – when I hear the priest say the words, “the fount of all holiness” because it means he’s gone for the Second Eucharistic Prayer and it’s the shortest. Worse, I groan when the priest settles down for his moment of private prayer after Communion. The 13-year-old in me still thinks: come on, Father, we’re so tantalisingly near the end. …
I’m not going to try to justify these sentiments to David, my new fellow Catholic; you can’t expect a convert to understand. But they don’t really matter, either, because short Masses can be very uplifting. Parish priests, please note.
Muligens har det tradisjonalistiske miljøet der Thompson har vanket vært for elitistisk, muligens har de overdrevet høytideligheten i liturgien – jeg leste f.eks. for flere år siden at pave Pius X (for litt over 100 år siden) bemerket at prestene ikke måtte forlenge messene unødig (og slik irritere de troende). Jeg legger også merke til at Thompson har funnet en menighet der messen feires noenlunde verdig, og presten (som var min rektor på Allen Hall presteseminar da jeg var student der i 1997-98) har sluttet å bruke de aller dårligste messe»salmene».