Da jeg i går kveld så nyheten om kirkebrannen i Paris, fryktet jeg at Notre-Dame kunne bli helt ødelagt, men nå viser det seg heldigvis at begge tårnene ble stående og at også det innvendige hvelvet i stor grad holdt stand. Se bildet under.
Nå leser jeg også at en prest, P. Jean-Marc Fournier, gikk inn i kirken så snart brannen hadde startet, og fikk med seg mange mennesker og reddet ut mange kunstskatter, rellikvier og også det hellige sakrament: «the chaplain went into the burning cathedral to retrieve relics and art before they could be damaged by fire and falling debris. Reports state the priest formed a human chain to carry the items away from danger.»
«Among the relics saved in the effort was Notre-Dame’s most famous and revered and holy relic, the gold-encrusted Crown of Thorns, believed to be the wreath of thorns that was placed on the head of Jesus Christ at his crucifixion. That the relic was saved flashed around the world on Monday evening, but news of further items saved emerged Tuesday morning. Many of the objects removed from the Cathedral were bundled up in packaging and placed in Paris’s city hall.»