Pave Benedikt fyller 92 år i dag, og er ganske skrøpelig, men fortsatt klar i hodet. Les om ham på Wikipedia – på engelsk og norsk. Mange skriver om ham i dag, bl.a. Rome Reports, som også viser en kort video. De skriver bl.a.:
Pope emeritus Benedict XVI turns 92 today. Pope Francis visited him on the eve of his birthday, with the Vatican publishing a photo from the visit.
Benedict XVI’s day will be spent in private celebration. It is unknown if he will raise a pint of beer, as he has in previous years, or if his brother Georg will come in town to celebrate with him. …
… This year, his birthday is overshadowed by the fire in Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. In 2008, the pope emeritus spoke to young people from inside the cathedral, while commemorating the 150th anniversary of the Blessed Virgin at Lourdes.
Bildet under viser pave Benedikt i Notre-Dame de Paris.