Troskongregasjonen ønsket at prestene som går inn i det nye ‘ordinariatet’ i England ikke skal trenge å vente lenge før de blir ordinert – de skal opptas i Kirken askeonsdag i år og prestevies pinsedag. De engelsk biskopene ønsket at de skulle forberede seg et helt år (vanligvis er det minst tre år, og enda mer om man er gift), men her var det Trokongragasjonen som bestemte. Fra the Tablet:
The English and Welsh Catholic bishops were overruled in their request for former Anglican clergy wishing to join the ordinariate to undergo at least one year’s formation before ordination as Catholic priests. It is understood that the Catholic bishops wanted a longer period of formation for clergy but the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF), which has overall jurisdiction of the ordinariate, said they should be ordained more quickly. Ordinariate-minded Anglican clergy who resign from the Church of England by Ash Wednesday are due to be ordained at Pentecost, after just a few months’ formation.