Jeg undret meg ganske mye da vi etter 29. juni i år hørte at pave Frans (uten videre, uten konsultasjoner e.l.) hadde gitt viktige relikvier av apostelen Peter til kirken i Konstantinopel, og i dag skriver Fr. Raymond de Souza om dette i Catholic Herald, bl.a.:
The decision to send the relics of St Peter from the private chapel of the papal apartment to the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople is still in need of explanation. The manner in which it was done remains inexplicable.
On June 29, the feast of Ss Peter and Paul, Pope Francis gave to the delegation representing Bartholomew, the primus inter pares of the Orthodox Church, a reliquary containing nine bone fragments of Peter the Apostle. While the majority of Peter’s relics are under the high altar of St Peter’s Basilica, St Paul VI had taken the fragments to be kept in the private chapel of the papal apartment, a source of comfort, strength and intercession for Peter’s successors. Upon consigning the relics to the Orthodox delegation for conveyance to Constantinople, Pope Francis told the archbishops that the idea had occurred to him the previous evening.
“I no longer live in the Apostolic Palace, I never use this chapel, I never serve the Holy Mass here, and we have St Peter’s relics in the basilica itself, so it will be better if they will be kept in Constantinople,” Pope Francis said. “This is my gift to the Church of Constantinople. Please take this reliquary and give it to my brother Patriarch Bartholomew.”
A month later, and still there has been no full explanation for the decision. Peter’s relics have no connection whatsoever to Constantinople. Indeed, when the Roman emperor moved the capital eastward, Peter’s successors stubbornly refused to decamp from the city of Peter’s martyrdom.
The rationale that the relics were languishing in the unused papal apartment is not sufficient to transfer them to Constantinople. They could have been moved to the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where the Holy Father does pray. …
Kommer an på hvordan du ser på dette. Flere Paver har vært i Konstantinopel (Istanbul) uten at det har hatt noen særlig effekt. Kanskje Peter selv (hans relikvier) vil ha større effekt på folk der borte. Som vi husker så var til og med Peters skygge effektiv i det første århundre (Apg 5:15) Jeg tror at Gud virker gjennom alle de helliges relikvier og særlig gjennom Apostlenes relikvier. Jeg var selv i berøring med en av de helliges relikvier, for noen dager siden (Apg 19:11-12) Men ingen ting overgår virkningen av Jesu kropp og blod, på oss (Joh 6:53-57)