I går offentliggjorde kardinal og leder av Troskongragasjonen, William Joseph Levada, et nytt dokument som på engelsk heter «A Doctrinal Note on some Aspects of Evangelization». Kardinalen sa at:
“For Christian evangelization, “the incorporation of new members into the Church is not the expansion of a power-group, but rather entrance into the network of friendship with Christ which connects heaven and earth, different continents and ages.” In this sense, then, “the Church is the bearer of the presence of God and thus the instrument of the true humanization of man and the world.” Cardinal Levada summarised that when individual persons decide in conscience to enter the Catholic Church, their decision should be respected without accusing the Catholic Church of a negative form of proselytism.
Sektretær for Troskongragasjonen, F. Joseph Augustine Di Noia, la til at: The document first began as a project under the then prefect Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, in attempts to clarify one fundamental problem: “The fundamental problem is a pluralistic theology of religion which essentially states that all religions are equally valid in leading a person to salvation, so that the Church and Christ cannot claim that Christianity has some special path to salvation, but that each path is valid for people let’s say who are born into it culturally or socially . That fundamental error was addressed by the document Dominus Iesus, but now the missionary implications are being addressed in this document”
Hyggelig lesning med viktige klargjøringer, selv om stilen er noe moderne «touchy-feely» og ikke akkurat St. Pius X-stil, utenom henvisningene.
«Therefore, the work of ecumenism does not remove the right or take away the responsibility of proclaiming in fulness the Catholic faith to other Christians, who freely wish to receive it.»
-Her snakkes det om retten og plikten til å bekjenne den katolske tro. Dialog er altså en måte å formidle den katolske tro på, ikke et mål i seg selv.
«We believe the Church is necessary for salvation because Christ, who is the sole mediator and exclusive way of salvation, renders Himself present for us in His body which is the Church. We must always remember the unity of the mystical body, without which there can be no salvation, is open to no one outside the Catholic Church. ~ Pope Paul VI»
– Til og med Paul VI kunne være tydelig når han ville.
– Hva sier Kasper til alt dette? Jamfør dette med Kaspers tirader om anglikanernes konversjon….
Under har jeg limt inn en liten historie om St. Frans av Asissi og hans evangelisering.
Sammenlign den med Kasper og tenk etter.
«St. Francis of Assisi accompanied the Crusaders to Egypt on the Fifth Crusade, and boldly walked right into the Muslim camp in a spectacular attempt to preach Christianity to the Sultan and his followers. The author shows that St. Francis was a supporter of the armed Crusade, and his goal was the conversion of the Muslims, rather than simply «dialoging» as an end in itself, as some revisionists have purported. He made such an impact with his preaching, that the sultan rebuffed some of his own religious advisors, the imams, who were insisting that Islamic law required that St. Francis must be beheaded. «