Den gresk-katolske kirken i Ukraina kom i fullt fellesskap med paven i 1595, men det var nå pga. politiske problemer 70 år siden biskopene i denne kirken hadde møtt paven, men sist uke skjedde det altså:
For the first time in 70 years, the bishops of the Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine were able to pay a visit to the tomb of St. Peter and to meet with his successor, Pope Benedict XVI.
“You are welcome, dear brothers, in this house in which intense and incessant prayers have always been said for the beloved Greek-Catholic Church of Ukraine,» the Pope told the bishops.
The ‘ad limina’ visit comes after years of limited freedom for the Greek-Catholic Church.
«Now that your Churches have rediscovered their complete freedom», the Pope said, «you are here to represent your communities, reborn and vibrant in the faith, which have never ceased to feel their full communion with Peter’s Successor.”
Dette var en skikkelig gladnyhet.Vet hvor glade det ukraninske folket er i Kirken,og hvor stolte de viser fram at kirkene nå fungerer som Kirke igjen.