The Catholic Herald i England trykket sist helg et intervju med den berømte Father Z., som skriver en svært kjent katolsk blog, som jeg ofte nevner her. Intervjuet forteller en hel del om hans liv, bl.a. at han vokste opp i en tysk, luthersk familie i Minnesota. Han ble katolikk i voksen alder, og ordinert av pave Johannes Paul II i 1991.
Hans blog er blitt veldig mye lest de siste åra, og er hovedtemaet i intervjuet. Slik står det bl.a. der: Fr John Zuhlsdorf’s well-informed opinions, translations and analyses of matters liturgical are a daily reading requirement. Rumoured to have direct sources in very high places, he is read by members of the Roman Curia, bishops, priests, seminarians and lay people around the world. His articles have made their way into Curial meetings and he says that several bishops have consulted him on documents relating to Summorum Pontificum, the Apostolic Letter with which the Pope Benedict XVI liberated the traditional Mass. Fr Z is a true phenomenon of the information age: a power blogger and a priest.