Pavens seremonimester, Guido Marini, ble for noen dager siden intervjua (se også tidligere intervju med ham) av Catholic News Service – bl.a. om pavens besøk i USA 15. april, som amerikanerne selvsagt er svært opptatt av. Men han sier også en hel del om pave Benedikts liturgier generelt:
Msgr. Marini knows that changes in papal liturgies at the Vatican have been fueling speculation and heated discussions on Italian blogs and Web sites; he insists the increased use of older liturgical elements — such as Gregorian chant and ancient vestments — do not indicate a return to the past but rather reflect «development in continuity.»
«In the liturgy, as in the life of the church itself, development in continuity should be visible,» he said. «There are great riches, treasures that we have received, that we cannot forget, but this does not mean we oppose new developments.
«Those who have preceded us created works of art, not so they would be admired in a museum, but so they would be used,» Msgr. Marini said. «Using them today underlines our continuity with the past as we walk toward the future.»
As for rumors that Pope Benedict is preparing to celebrate publicly a Mass according to the Tridentine rite, Msgr. Marini said that as far as he knows that is just a rumor.
Msgr. Marini nevner altså ryktet. Han nevner det for første gang. Da er det sannsynligvis godt hold i det ryktet…;)
Denne evinnelige beskyldningen om å gå tilbake til fortiden…. Er det så vanskelig for modernistene å skjønne hva det organiske utviklingsprinsipp er for noe?