På et innlegg på Father Zuhlsdorfs blog kom det flere kommentarer som irriterte den amerikanske presten (tidligere lutheraner, av tysk avstamning). Bl.a. skrev en som het William at «lydige, troende, praktiserende katolikker vil bevege seg i retning av den gamle messen, mens de andre vil holde seg til Novus ordo, den nye messen.» Dette fikk Father Z. til å svare slik:
Not only do I think that it not true, I think it is unhelpful. Many faithful people attend the Novus Ordo and I don’t think it is quite right to imply that those who don’t chose the older form are therefore not faithful, disobedient, non-practicing, etc.
Over time, we shall see that the older form is exerting an influence on the newer form. Over an even longer period of time, we will see even more changes. But let’s keep a realistic perspective.
Litt senere skriver han også:
Personal Note: I came into the Catholic Church because of the impact the liturgy had on me when I discovered it. It was celebrated according to the Novus Ordo books, well, and with Gregorian chant and other polyphonic music.
I was ordained with the Latin edition of the book for ordinations. I am in these things somewhat an exception to the rule. I was lucky and graced. But my experience indeed points to the rule.
Don’t simply bash the experiences of people who have the Novus Ordo. Just don’t. Not around here.
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