Prestenes fokus på messens hellige offer

Vatikanet har utgitt et dokument som forberedelse til festen for Jesu hellige hjerte, 15. juni i år, til det som hvert år er (men vel ikke er så godt kjent): «World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of the Clergy.»

Der har de med (på s 7) en liste med 20 punkter en prest kan gå gjennom som en samvittighetsransakelse. Her er de første fem punktene, der den tradisjonelle betegnelsen (som få bruker i dag), «messens hellige offer», brukes flere ganger:

1. “It is for their sakes that I sanctify myself, so that they, too, may be sanctified by the truth” (Jn 17:19).
Do I really take holiness seriously in my priesthood? Am I convinced that the success of my priestly ministry comes from God and that, with the grace of the Holy Spirit, I have to identify myself with Christ and give my life for the salvation of the world?

2. “This is my body” (Mt 26:26).
Is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass the centre of my spiritual life? Do I prepare well to celebrate Mass? Do I devoutly celebrate the Mass? Do I make an act of thanksgiving after Mass? Is the Mass the centre of my day in giving thanks and praise to God for his blessings? Do I have recourse to his goodness? Do I make reparation for my sins and for those of all mankind?

3. “Zeal for your house consumes me” (Jn2:17).
Do I celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass according to the rites and rubrics established by the Church? Do I celebrate Holy Mass with a right intention and according to the approved liturgical books? Am I attentive to the sacred species conserved in the tabernacle and careful to renew it periodically? Do I pay due attention to the sacred vessels and ensure their conservation? Do I wear in a dignified fashion all of the sacred vestments prescribed by the Church? Am I conscious that I actin persona Christi Capitis?

4. “Remain in my love” (Jn 15:9).
Do I enjoy being in the presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, in meditation and in silent adoration? Am I faithful to the daily visit to the Blessed Sacrament? Is the tabernacle my true treasure?

5. “Explain the parable to us” (Mt 13:36).
Do I carefully make a daily meditation and try to overcome all distractionsthat separate me from God? Do I seek illumination from the Lord whom I serve? Do I assiduously meditate on the Sacred Scriptures? Do I carefully say my habitual prayers? …

1 hendelser på “Prestenes fokus på messens hellige offer”

  1. Dette er flott. Dette ble av Fellay i SSPX brukt som eksempel på positive tendenser innenfor Kirken i et nylig interview. Samvittighetsransakelsen minner om «førkonsiliær åndelighet», og uttrykker en overmoden gjenopprettelse av prestens sanne status i Kirken.

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