Allerede 3. august noterte jeg at jeg burde legge noe informasjon om dette på bloggen, og allerede da var jeg noen uker for sent ute, men bedre sent enn aldri. Una Voce har nemlig presentert enda et dokument i rekken av interessante og nyttige dokumenter om liturgien – se en oversikt her.
Det nye dokumentet her «SILENCE AND INAUDIBILITY IN THE EXTRAORDINARY FORM» og kan leses i sin helhet her.
Silence and Inaudibility in the Extraordinary Form – Abstract:
Liturgical texts read silently or inaudibly are a striking feature of the Extraordinary Form, and this has seemed scandalous to those attached to a didactic model of the liturgy, such as the supporters of the Synod of Pistoia. The explanation of why some texts cannot be heard by the Faithful is threefold. First, some texts are obscured by singing, at sung Masses; these include the texts actually being sung. The close connection between the singing, and the natural space in the liturgy which allows this singing to take place, was noted by Pope St Pius X. Secondly, the ‘priestly prayers’ addressed personally by the celebrating priest to God, for example at the Munda cor meum and Lavabo, express the intimate relationship between the priest and God, which, as Pope Benedict XVI has emphasised, is important for all to appreciate and imitate. Thirdly, the silence of the Canon marks it as a prayer of special sacredness, with an atmosphere recalling the silence of Calvary. Pope Benedict XVI has described the deeply prayerful participation of the Faithful in the ‘filled silence’ the silent Canon creates.
Forskjellen mellom den tradisjonelle og den nye messen trenger ikke være så enormt stor på dette punnktet – for den nye messen har også mange stille bønner, som gjerne kan gjøres tydeligere – men at kanon leses stille (innførst ca år 800), er jo en svært viktig forskjell.