
Hva mener pave Benedikt egentlig om liturgien?

Bloggen PrayTell (ikke spesielt konservativ, som jeg har nevnt før) stiller et ganske direkte, interessant og dristig spørsmål om hva pave Benedikt egentlig ønsker for og mener om liturgien i Kirken i vår tid:

Pope Benedict XVI, before and since his election, has shown himself to be a critic of the liturgical reforms in the Catholic Church. What are the main targets of his criticism? To what extent is his criticism directed at local liturgists and clergy who have incorrectly implemented the official reforms? Or at Paul VI who entrusted Consilium with the reform of the official books? Or at the Second Vatican Council itself in Sacrosanctum Concilium?
Anthony Ruff, OSB

Når jeg leser innlegget (etter to dager) er det allerede kommet 100 svar på spørsmålet.

Pave Benedikt og kontinuiteten – på nytt

Jeg fikk en e-post i dag tidlig fra en bekjent i Italia, som (lenker til og) skriver:

Må si jeg har sans for B16s back to basics. Ikke noe unødig fokus på en skarve økonomisk krise, men snarere på det essensielle: «Benedetto XVI ha indicato ai vescovi italiani la necessità di «un rinnovato impulso, che punti a ciò che è essenziale della fede e della vita cristiana», spiegando che «non ci sarà rilancio dell’azione missionaria senza il rinnovamento della qualità della nostra fede e della nostra preghiera; non saremo in grado di offrire risposte adeguate senza una nuova accoglienza del dono della grazia; non sapremo conquistare gli uomini al Vangelo se non tornando noi stessi per primi a una profonda esperienza di Dio».»

Jeg leser mer om dette (på engelsk) i dag på Rorate cæli, der vi bl.a. leser om å holde fast på troens innhold og tolke konsilet med en kontinuitetens hermeneutikk:

… «That which above all concerns the Council is that the sacred deposit of the Christian faith be kept and taught in a more efficacious way,» Pope Blessed John XXIII affirmed in his opening address. And it is worthwhile to meditate and read these words.

The Pope charged the Fathers to deepen and present such a perennial doctrine in continuity with the millennial Tradition of the Church: «to pass on the doctrine, pure and whole, without attenuations or distortions,» but in a new way, «according to what is required by our times.» (Address of solemn opening of the Ecumenical Council of the Vatican II, October 11, 1962). With this key for its reading and application – according to a view, certainly not of an unacceptable hermeneutic of discontinuity and of rupture, but of a hermeneutic of continuity and of reform -, listening to the Council and making ours the authoritative indications are the path to ascertaining the ways with which the Church may offer a significant response to the great social and cultural transformations of our time, which have visible consequences also on the religious sphere.

Benedict XVI, Address in audience to the general assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference, May 24, 2012

Pave Benedikt XVIs ‘nøkler’ for å tolke Vaticanum II – oppdatert

En bok med en slik tittel er nettopp kommet ut på italiensk: “Le ‘chiavi’ di Benedetto XVI per interpretare il Vaticano II”, skrevet av kardinal Walter Brandmüller, erkebiskop Agostino Marchetto, og msgr. Nicola Bux. Boken ble presentert av Radio Vaticana, og her sa erkebiskop Marchetto:

Q. – Let us return to the hermeneutic of discontinuity, of rupture, and the hermeneutic of reform: which one prevails today within the Church?
A. – Unfortunately, I must say, the one of rupture prevails. I would rather add that it is acknowledged today that not only the extreme fringe – of what was the majority in the Council -, but also the Traditionalist movements say the same thing. For them also there was a rupture. Therefore, there is still much work to be done.

Her kan jeg legge til at jeg er uenig med Rorate Cæli, som skriver om dette og kommenterer det slik: «.. an attempt to interpret the whole of the Council according to a view of «reform in continuity» is laudable, but those … who see this interpretive attempt as a kind of constrained intellectual exercise are not necessarily mistaken.» Jeg syns selv det er mer fruktbart å følge pave Benedikt her, og si at konsilet selv (dets dokumenter) er ikke noe brudd med Kirkens tradisjon, og selv om mange har tolket det som et brudd, og brukt det til å bryte med Kirkens tradisjon, er løsningen (heller enn å si at konsilet selv tok feil) å sørge for at konsilet blir forstått som en videreføring av Kirkens tradisjon, og å sørge for at Kirken også i dag fører videre denne tradisjonen.

Artikkelen nevner videre at de to dokumentene fra konsilet som skaper mest problemer for noen tradisjonalister, er dokumenter av mindre betydning og vekt:

… «There is a huge difference between a great constitution,» like the Vatican II constitutions on the church, the liturgy and divine revelation, «and simple declarations,» like the Vatican II declarations on Christian education and the mass media. «Strangely enough, the two most controversial documents» for the SSPX — those on religious freedom [Dignitatis humanae] and on relations with non-Christians [Nostra aetate] — «do not have a binding doctrinal content, so one can dialogue about them,» the cardinal said. «So I don’t understand why our friends in the Society of St. Pius X concentrate almost exclusively on these two texts. And I’m sorry that they do so, because these are the two that are most easy to accept if we consider their canonical nature» as non-binding, he said. … (Fra Catholic News Service.)

OPPDATERING: kom i ettermiddag også med en sak om dette, de har oversatt mye av tekstmaterialet til norsk, og lagt inn en lenke til viedoen under:

Min bror paven – Intervju med Msgr. Georg Ratzinger

Ignatius Press har utgitt en bok skrevet av Msgr. Georg Ratzinger, med tittelen: My Brother the Pope og de skriver om denne boken:

It wasn’t always the case that Msgr. Georg Ratzinger lived in the shadow of his younger brother, Joseph. Georg was an accomplished musician, who for over 30 years directed the world-famous boys’ choir of the Regensburg cathedral. Brother Joseph was a brilliant young professor, but mostly known in German academic circles.

Now Georg writes about the close friendship that has united these two brothers for more than 80 years. Those interested in knowing more about the early life of Benedict XVI will not be disappointed. Georg’s reminiscences are detailed, intimate, and warm. And while they begin with the earliest years of the Ratzinger family, they continue right up to the present day. …

Pave Benedikt: «Takk for deres støttende bønner»

Tidligere i dag sa pave Benedikt under den tradisjonelle onsdagsaudiensen:

«From the first moment of my election as Successor of St. Peter I have always felt supported by the prayers of the Church, by your prayers, especially at moments of greatest difficultly, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart», said Benedict XVI today during his general audience. «Constant choral prayer is also an important way to overcome any trials that may arise on life’s journey, because it is by being profoundly united to God that we can also be profoundly united to others».

As part of a series of catecheses dedicated to the early Church, this morning the Holy Father focused his remarks on the last episode of St. Peter’s life recounted in the Acts of the Apostles, when he was imprisoned by Herod Agrippa then freed by an angel of the Lord.

The Pope reminded the 10,000 faithful gathered in St. Peter’s Square that, while the Apostle was in prison, the Church prayed for him constantly. Thus, the Holy Father explained, «the power of the Church’s incessant prayer rose up to God; the Lord listened and sent His angel to ensure the Apostle was freed by an inconceivable and unexpected act of liberation». … … skriver også om dette og har tatt med en video fra RomeReports.

Heter det «for mange» eller «for alle»?

Det skal hete «for mange» leser vi på www.chiesa. Denne artikkelen er en meget god oppsummering av den så langt siste runden i striden om «mange» eller «alle», en strid er nesten helt ukjent i Norge, for helt siden presten fikk lov til å lese den eukaristiske bønn på morsmålet (i 1967?), har vi her hørt: «.. For dette er mitt blods kalk, den nye og evige pakts blod, som skal utgydes for dere og for de mange til syndenes forlatelse. .. »

Men på flertallet av europeiske språk har man her i 40 år sagt «for alle» – også på dansk, som vi leser om her. Engelsk innførte den korrekte oversettelsen i desember i fjor – etter at pave Benedikt hadde grepet direkte inn, og klart å få de engelsktalende biskopene med seg. Nylig har paven grepet direkte inn på nytt og skrevet et personlig brev til de tyske biskopene 14. april. I Tyskland har pave benedikt nå så vidt for flertall for sitt syn, men ikke i Østerrike – og absolutt ikke i Italia. Slik leser vi i artikkelen:

… If in Germany, in fact, although with strong resistance, the episcopal conference recently opted to translate «pro multis» no longer with «für alle,» for all, but with «für viele,» for many, in Austria this is not the case.

And not in Italy either. In November of 2010, in a vote, out of 187 voting bishops only 11 sided with «per molti.» An overwhelming majority voted in favor of «per tutti,» indifferent to the Vatican guidelines. Shortly beforehand, the episcopal conferences of the sixteen Italian ecclesiastical regions, with the sole exception of Liguria, had spoken out for the retention of the formula «per tutti.»

In other parts of the world they are returning to the use of «for many»: in Latin America, in Spain, in Hungary, in the United States. Often with disagreement and disobedience.

But Benedict XVI clearly wants to see this one all the way through. Without impositions, but urging the bishops to prepare the clergy and the faithful, with appropriate catechesis, for a change that must come no matter what.

After this letter, it is therefore easy to predict that «per molti» will also be restored in the Masses celebrated in Italy, in spite of the contrary vote of the bishops in 2010.

The new version of the missal, approved by the Italian episcopal conference, is currently under examination by the Vatican congregation for divine worship. And on this point it will certainly be correct according to the pope’s guidelines. ..

Artikkelen i www.chiesa skriver videre om hva som har skjedd med messeoversettelsene – på dette og andre områder – siden dokumentet om de nye oversettelsesprisnippene «Liturgiam Authenticam» ble utgitt i 2001. Og den har også med en engelsk oversettelse av pavens brev til den tyske bispekonferansen 14. april.

Prestenes offertjeneste kan ikke løsrives fra deres pastorale tjeneste

Dette satte Vatikanets informasjonstjeneste som overskrift (PRIESTS’ EUCHARISTIC-SACRIFICIAL MISSION IS INSEPARABLE FROM THEIR PASTORAL MISSION) på et referat av messen i Peterskirken søndag 29. april, der pave Benedikt ordinerte tre menn til prestetjeneste. Jeg leste denne nyheten på NLM-bloggen, der jeg også fant bildet. I sin preken sa paven bl.a.:

… for priests, celebrating Mass every day does not mean merely undertaking a ritual function, but accomplishing a mission which involves all of existence, in communion with the risen Christ Who continues to enact the redeeming sacrifice in His Church».

The Holy Father went on to note that «Eucharistic and sacrificial aspects are inseparable from the pastoral aspect, of which they are the nucleus of truth and salvific strength upon which the effectiveness of all activity depends. … The preaching, works and other activities which the Church carries out with her many initiatives would lose their salvific fruitfulness if the celebration of Christ’s sacrifice were lacking. This celebration is entrusted to ordained priests. … Only through the ‘door’ of the Paschal sacrifice can men and women of all times and places enter eternal life. It is through this ‘holy path’ that they can make the exodus which leads them to the ‘promised land’ of true freedom, to the ‘green fields’ of endless peace and joy. …

Får vi nå se en strengere Ratzinger?

John Allen skriver at det nå kan se ut som at pave Benedikt vil bli strengere mot radikale/liberale katolikker som motsetter seg Kirkens lære på viktige punkter:

When Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected to the papacy in April 2005, the popular forecast called for stormy weather ahead. This was, after all, the Vatican enforcer who had been leading a “smack-down on heresy since 1981”, in the words of T-shirts and coffee mugs marketed by a Ratzinger fan club. His rise elicited dread in some quarters and joy in others, but virtually everyone agreed big things were in the works.

During most of the past seven years, however, that anticipated upheaval has seemed a lot like the dog that didn’t bark. Back in February 2006, the late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus famously voiced “palpable unease” among those most elated by Ratzinger’s election, and that disappointment endured in a swath of Catholic opinion which had begun to despair that the pope would ever impose order. Of late, however, many observers believe the “real Ratzinger” has finally come out to play. Consider the tumult of the past month:

On April 18, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith decreed a sweeping overhaul of the Leadership Conference for Women Religious, the main American umbrella group for the superiors of women’s orders, to correct what the congregation described as LCWR’s “corporate dissent” ….
At least five Irish priests have faced Vatican-inspired discipline, with implementation left to their religious orders. Two Redemptorists have seen their writings for a church magazine either withdrawn or limited …
On April 5, Benedict XVI included some blistering language in his Holy Thursday homily about a “call to disobedience” issued by more than 300 priests and deacons in Austria who oppose celibacy and support women’s ordination. …
On April 14, Benedict XVI ordered the German bishops to translate the traditional Latin phrase pro multis, from the words spoken by Christ at the Last Supper in reference to the shedding of his blood, as “for many” rather than “for all”. ….

Lenger nede i artikkelen modifiserer Allen sine tanker en del, og om man leser kommentarene etter artikkelen, vil man se hva slags tanker de fleste leserne av det svært liberale National Catholic Reporter har om paven/Vatikanet.

Dagens Ratzinger-sitat

Fra Father Z’s blogg (les hele sitatet der):

In Co-Workers of the Truth: Meditations for Every Day of the Year, from the works Joseph Ratzinger for 25 April we read a blurb from his perennially useful Feast of Faith:

“The Council did not create new articles of faith, nor did it replace existing ones with new ones. Its only concern was to make it possible to hold the same faith under different circumstances, to revitalize it. … many of the documents (of the Council) were issued too abruptly. To many of the faithful, most of them seemed to be a challenge to the creativity of the individual congregation, in which separate groups constructed their own “liturgies” from week to week with a zeal that was as commendable as it was misplaced. To me, the most serious element in all this was the breach of fundamental, liturgical consciousness. The difference between liturgy and festivity, between liturgy and social event, disappeared gradually and imperceptibly, as witness the fact that many priests, imitating the etiquette of polite society, feel that they ought not to receive Holy Communion until the congregation has received; that they should no longer venture to say “I bless you” [German euch: familiar form of plural “you”]—thus dissolving the fundamental liturgical relationship between them and their congregation. … In the period before the new missal made its appearance, but after the old one had already been characterized as “old-fashioned”, people forgot that there is a “rite”, that is, a prescribed liturgical form, and that liturgy is genuinely liturgy only if it is not subject to the will of those who celebrate it.”

Spenninger i Kirken – og pave Benedikts ledelse

En engelsk katolsk sognepreest, Fr. Ray Blake, skriver om hva som skjer i Kirken for tiden. At det stadig blir tydeligere hvem som motsetter seg pave Benedikts reformplaner, som riktignok gjennomføres langsomt og forsiktig, gjennom pavens eksempel og undervisning, men som likevel har en tdelig retning:

So the SSPX are likely to be in soon. Already the Ordinariate is beginning to thrive in the States, and once they are given a church or two here that might happen in England and Wales – though they are doing pretty well using Spanish Place as their «Cathedral». Those with a Catholic «sense» are given courage to live out their faith. The liberation Summorum Pontificum gave the Traditional usage is slowly making an in road into the Church and parish life. Seminaries are gradually becoming more Catholic, even if they are not, they are turning out young priests who want authentic Catholicism.
and yet; Those American nuns who have «moved beyond Jesus» are likely to be out, at least as an organisation but there very presence shows how deep the rot goes. Dissident Irish priests have been silenced but in Ireland dissidence seems to be the new orthodoxy. In Austria there is open disobedience and rather dubious decisions made by some of the hierarchy. In the US the Bishops are fighting off the government and perhaps wondering whether they have much backing from the ordinary Catholic in the pew.

…. Seven years ago many were expecting a «rottweiler» Pope, who would clear up doctrinal error, boot out heretical bishops, cleanse the Curia, clamp-down on liturgical abuses and theological errors and those peddling them. Instead we have had a Pope who teaches. His teaching however is constantly radical, a continual call out of the confused disunity of darkness into the light of Christ. Yet he is criticised for not using his authority to clean up the Church. How often does one hear amongst Roman dicastery officials the criticism, «he reigns but does not rule»?

What we have in the Church is increased division, and it is the Pope himself who is the source of division. There is an increased seperation between those who gather with Peter and those who don’t. …

Cardinal Koch recently said: «A widespread criticism holds that the pope is not concerned» about the church as a whole but is focused on a small portion of his flock and «is content with that». «The only thing that is true in this criticism is that, in reality, the pope is convinced that the true renewal of the church cannot begin with the masses, but only with small movements» inspired by the Holy Spirit and acting as leaven for the rest of the church, the cardinal said.

Pave Benedikts fødselsdag i går

I går (16. april) fylte pave Benedikt 85 år. Jeg føyer meg også til gratulantene, og tar med noe av hva danske ‘Katolsk orientering’ skriver om fødselsdagen:

Pave Benedikt XVI fejrede sin 85-års fødselsdag mandag den 16. april sammen med gæster, der opvartede ham med bayersk ’oompah’-musik og folkedans i Den apostoliske Palads.

Tidligere på dagen sagde paven i en improviseret prædiken: “Jeg befinder mig på sidste stykke af min livsrejse og jeg ved ikke, hvad der venter mig”.

“Dog ved jeg, at Guds lys eksisterer, at han er opstanden, at hans lys er stærkere end ethvert mørke, og at Guds godhed er stærkere end alle verdens onder, og det hjælper mig til at fortsætte fremad med vished”, sagde han.

De nuværende biskopper i Bayern, delstatens ministerpræsident Horst Seehofer og en delegation på omkring 150 personer besøgte paven i Det clementinske Kapel i Vatikanet. …

Bildet under viser noen av de besøkende fra Bayern.

Fint bilde av pave Benedikt påskenatt

Bildet over er fra Vårt Land, og de bruker en NTB-artikkel som bl.a. sier:

I dag kan vi lyse opp våre byer så strålende at stjernene på himmelen ikke lenger er synlige. Er ikke det et bilde på problemene som har oppstått som følge av vår versjon av opplysning, spurte Benedikt under kveldens feiring påskeaften.

…. I prekenen sin sa paven, som ofte har snakket om miljøet, at de utrolige vitenskapelige triumfene som er oppnådd, ikke bare er framgang, men også setter både menneskeheten og verden i fare.

Pave Benedikt om prestenes lydighet

Pave Benedikt var svært så tydelig i går i sin preken under oljevigselsmessen i Peterskirken, da han snakket om prestenes oppgaver og lydighet, rett før prestene jadde sin årlige fornyelse av presteløftene. Han snakket både om lydighet (og et eksempel på ulydighet fra Østerrike), om mangel på skikkelig katekese flere steder, og sist snakket han om prestene hadde et sterkt ønske om sjelenes frelse som basis for sin tjeneste. Her er et lite utdrag som handler mest om lydighet/ulydighet:

…. But does our consecration extend to the daily reality of our lives – do we operate as men of God in fellowship with Jesus Christ? This question places the Lord before us and us before him. “Are you resolved to be more united with the Lord Jesus and more closely conformed to him, denying yourselves and confirming those promises about sacred duties towards Christ’s Church which, prompted by love of him, you willingly and joyfully pledged on the day of your priestly ordination?” After this homily, I shall be addressing that question to each of you here and to myself as well. Two things, above all, are asked of us: there is a need for an interior bond, a configuration to Christ, and at the same time there has to be a transcending of ourselves, a renunciation of what is simply our own, of the much-vaunted self-fulfilment. We need, I need, not to claim my life as my own, but to place it at the disposal of another – of Christ. I should be asking not what I stand to gain, but what I can give for him and so for others. Or to put it more specifically, this configuration to Christ, who came not to be served but to serve, who does not take, but rather gives – what form does it take in the often dramatic situation of the Church today? Recently a group of priests from a European country issued a summons to disobedience, and at the same time gave concrete examples of the forms this disobedience might take, even to the point of disregarding definitive decisions of the Church’s Magisterium, such as the question of women’s ordination, for which Blessed Pope John Paul II stated irrevocably that the Church has received no authority from the Lord. Is disobedience a path of renewal for the Church? We would like to believe that the authors of this summons are motivated by concern for the Church, that they are convinced that the slow pace of institutions has to be overcome by drastic measures, in order to open up new paths and to bring the Church up to date. But is disobedience really a way to do this? Do we sense here anything of that configuration to Christ which is the precondition for all true renewal, or do we merely sense a desperate push to do something to change the Church in accordance with one’s own preferences and ideas? …

Les hele prekenen her.

Langfredag blir igjen helligdag på Cuba

Vårt Land melder at pave Benedikts forespørsel om at Cuba på nytt gjør Langfredag (ikke påskedag, som noen har skrevet; søndager er jo helligdag de fleste steder allerede) til helligdag raskt er blitt besvart:

… Ønsket har nå blitt innvilget av cubanske myndigheter.

Det betyr at cubanere for første gang siden revolusjonen i 1959 får fri på langfredag.

– Jeg er glad for at jeg slipper å jobbe, men forstår egentlig svært lite av alt sammen, sier Roberto Blanco til nyhetsbyrået AP.

Pave Benedikt om messen som offer

Nylig var det en konferanse i USA som tok opp pave Benedikts teologi (les om den her), og en av foredragsholderne har skrevet om det her, og presentert en oppsummering av sitt eget foredrag:

“The Feast of Peace: The Eucharist as Sacrifice and Meal in Benedict XVI’s Theology,” by Kimberly Hope Belcher, presented at the Notre Dame Institute for Church Life Conference “God is Love: Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI” on March 27, 2012. To be published with Notre Dame Press, 2012.

Abstract: In Pope Benedict XVI’s theology, the Eucharist is a sacrifice because it is the sacrifice of the cross, made accessible to human beings forever through the eucharistic prayer. It is also a meal, however, precisely because the divine sacrifice completes itself in a community meal that also obliges Christians to ethical service and communal love.

Part 1: Meal and Sacrifice in Benedict XVI

Although Benedict expressed deep concern about calling the Eucharist a “meal” in earlier reflections, in his papal works on the Eucharist, especially in Deus Caritatis Est and Sacramentum caritatis, he uses meal imagery for the Eucharist much more positively.

Part 2: Love and sacrifice

For Pope Benedict, sacrifice has an essentially positive definition that is often overlooked or misunderstood. The sacrifice of the mass, in particular, is grounded in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and ultimately in the trinitarian love. To participate in the Eucharist, then, is to participate in this trinitarian love offered as our salvation, not to offer a work of human merit to a hostile God.

Part 3: Feast of peace

Given this understanding of the sacrifice of the Eucharist, its meal dimension can be seen as the necessary completion of God’s sacrificial self-giving to humanity in incarnation, passion, and resurrection. The meal dimension of the Eucharist highlights the completion of Christ’s sacrifice in the gathering of his new body, the church, and is also the consummate icon of God’s self-revelation in all creation as beauty.

På nettstedet PrayTell er det også en interessant samtale om dette temaet.

Pave Benedikt snakker (igjen) om å tolke konsilet i lys av tradisjonen

Pave Benedikt understreker igjen det opplagte (skulle man tro), men likevel svært nødvendige (når man fortsatt opplever mange som forkaster svært så mye fra Kirken tradisjon fra før 1965):

Vatican II was a genuine sign of God for our time. If we know how to interpret and accept it within the tradition of the Church, and under the secure guidance of the Magisterium, it will become an increasingly important driving force for the future of the Church. For this reason I hope this anniversary will be – for you and for the entire Church in France – an occasion of spiritual and pastoral renewal.

This renewal, which is part of a continuous and ongoing process, takes many forms. For the Year of the Faith, to which I have called the entire Church, we must seek a more conscious faith and renew our adherence to the Gospel. To this end, we must become increasingly open to the person of Christ, and rediscover the pleasure of the Word of God in order to achieve a profound conversion of heart and walk the paths of the world, proclaiming the Gospel of hope to the men and women of our time, in respectful dialogue with everyone. May this time of grace also make it possible to consolidate communion within the great family of the Catholic Church, and contribute to restoring unity among all Christians, which was one of the main objectives of the Council.

The renewal of the Church also includes the witness of Christians’ own lives, that the Word of Truth the Lord left us may shine forth. If you approach witnesses of faith such as St. Bernadette the humble seer of Lourdes, Pauline Jaricot who gave new missionary drive to the Church, and many others who have made the soil of France fruitful, you will gain a deeper knowledge of Christ. … St. Joan of Arc, the sixth centenary of whose birth falls this year, is one shining example. She brought the Gospel into the most dramatic events of the history of France and of her time. Rediscovering the joy of believing and the enthusiasm of communicating the power and beauty of the faith is a fundamental challenge of the new evangelisation to which the whole Church is called.

Benedict XVI

Fransk original her – engelsk tekst fra Rorate Cæli.

Pave Benedikts økumenikk

Sandro Magister skriver om hvordan pave Benedikts økumeniske initiativer (overfor anglikanerne spesielt) fungerer i praksis. Noen har vært kritiske til hva paven har gjort, men:

… the Church of Rome is viewed today by the majority of Anglicans all over the world in a much more positive light than in the past, as a valid guardian of shared apostolic traditions, against the modernist tendencies.

As a result, the boundary between Catholicism and Anglicanism has become more open today. And Anglican primate Williams himself, who is a sophisticated theologian, has found in the theological magisterium of Benedict XVI a broadly shared vision.

The ecumenism of Benedict XVI is not one of negotiation, of reciprocal concessions of sovereignty, of the watering down of doctrine, for the sake of creating a structure acceptable to all. It is simply meant to revive fidelity to the roots of the mission of Christians in the world, as intended by Jesus Christ. It is meant to create unity on the basis of this fidelity.

And the choice of the Roman monastery of San Gregorio al Celio, for vespers celebrated together with Anglican primate Williams, was precisely an insistence on these essential roots, «because it was from this monastery that Pope Gregory [the Great] chose Augustine and his forty monks and sent them to bring the Gospel to the Angles, a little over 1,400 years ago.» And from their islands, the English monks then set out again to evangelize Europe. …

Les hele artikkelen her.

Pave Benedikt – en av de aller eldste paver

I dag – 2. mars – er pave Benedikt eldre enn pave Johannes Paul II var da han døde – fra

Torsdag den 1. mars 2012 ble pave Benedikt XVI (84) den eldste paven på over hundre år. I dag er han like gammel som sin forgjenger, den salige pave Johannes Paul II (1978-2005), var da han døde, og om 46 dager, den 16. april, feirer han sin 85-årsdag.

Den eldste paven i kirkehistorien var Leo XIII (1878-1903) eller Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci, som døde i en alder av 93 år. Hans forgjenger, den salige pave Pius IX (1846-1878) eller Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti, som er den paven etter den hellige Peter som har regjert lengst, oppnådde en alder av 85 år og knapt ni måneder. På 1700-tallet ble pave Klemens XII (1730-1740) eller Lorenzo Corsini nesten 88 år gammel.

Ratzinger om liturgien i 1998: Problemer med den tradisjonelle liturgien

I femte og siste del av min gjengivelse av kardinal Ratzingers foredrag om liturgien i 1998, understreker han at det faktisk var alvorlige problemer med den tradisjonelle liturgien på starten av 60-tallet. (Dette er ting det er viktig for tradisjonalister å ta alvorlig; observasjoner fra en person som kjente Kirken ut og inn fra før andre verdenskrig. De fleste av oss som lever i dag har jo bare lest oss til informasjon om liturgien før Vatikankonsilet.):

One notices a return to mystery, and to adoration and the sacred, and to the cosmic and eschatological nature of the liturgy. To this, the Oxford Declaration on the Liturgy of 1996 bears witnesses. On the other hand one has to admit that the celebration of the ancient liturgy was too lost in the realm of the individual and the private. One must admit that the communion between the priest and the faithful was lacking. I have great respect for our ancestors who during the Low Mass, said the prayers «during Mass» which their prayer book recommended. Certainly one cannot consider that as the ideal of the liturgical celebration! Perhaps, these reduced forms of celebration are the fundamental reason why the disappearance of the ancient liturgical books had no importance in many countries and caused no pain, There was never any contact with the liturgy itself. On the other hand, where the liturgical movement had created a certain love for the liturgy, where this movement anticipated the essential ideals of the Council -for example the prayerful participation of all at the liturgical action- there was a greater pain at the liturgical reform undertaken too much in haste and limiting itself often to externals. Where the liturgical movement never existed the reform did not -it first pose a problem. The problems arose in a spasmodic way where a wild creativity made the sacred mystery disappear.

This is why it is so important to obey the essential criteria of the Constitution on the Liturgy, which I cited above, even if one celebrates according to the Ancient Missal. At the moment when this liturgy truly touches the faithful by its beauty and depth, then it will be alive and there will be no irreconcilable opposition with the new liturgy -provided that these criteria are truly applied as the Council wished.

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