Hvordan bør konselebrasjon fungere?

Det sies at pave Benedikt nå vil se på betingelsene for store konselebrasjoner:

No more big «show» Masses: The Pope want to put the brakes on huge concelebrations with hundreds of priests, often far from the altar, as we are now used to in the World Youth Days and papal journeys. Benedict XVI has entrusted to the Congregation for Divine Worship the task of preparing, if necessary, an «instruction».

Concelebrations will be limited to precise circumstances with a reduced number of priests around the altar. The Constitution Sacrosanctum Concilium fixed the cases in which it was permitted to concelebrate. «It is necessary to return to the original meaning of concelebration, which is the sign of unity of priests», explained Msgr. Nichola Bux, a professor at the Theological Faculty of Puglia.

Jeg leste dette hos Father Z., og han skriver selv om dette emnet:
I have gotten to point with the Novus Ordo that I will very rarely concelebrate. I will happy do so for ordinations, for a Chrism Mass, for a few other instances, for example with my bishop or when the titular Cardinal, Card. Arinze, would come to the cathedral, etc. I think concelebration should be safe, legal and rare. Above, all rare.

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