To skuffende synoder

Sandro Magister skriver om de to bispesynoden som ble avholdt i Vatikanet høsten 2018 og høsten 2019, bl.a.:

That on the Amazon is the second synod in a row in which Francis has disappointed the expectations of those awaiting the innovations that he himself, the pope, had foretold.

In the 2018 synod on young people, the issue on which the expectations and controversies had focused was homosexuality. The base document of the discussion, in its paragraph 197, explicitly admitted a possible paradigm shift in judging “homosexual couples.”

And instead nothing. When the synod gathered, Francis imposed and obtained silence on the subject. No mention was made of it in the assembly discussions, nor in the final document, much less in the post-synodal pontifical exhortation “Christus vivit.” And so that on young people – emptied of its only spicy ingredient – became the most useless and boring synod in history.

The following year, with the synod on the Amazon and especially with what followed, the disappointment of the innovators was even stronger.

Because this time at the synod the discussion did take place on the most awaited and disputed change, which was the ordination of married men. In the final document the proposal passed with more than two thirds of the votes. And still in early January many were sure that Francis would adopt and authorize it, in the post-synodal exhortation expected at any moment.

But then came, in strenuous defense of the celibate priesthood, the bombshell book by pope emeritus Benedict XVI and Cardinal Robert Sarah, received by the innovators as a disastrous omen.

And in fact shortly afterward the post-synodal exhortation “Querida Amazonia” fell like a sudden chill, with the total silence of Francis on the subject. …

Hvorfor skjedde så dette? Magister forklarer det med utviklingen i Den katolske kirke i Tyskland, som pave Frans ikke liker. Les mer om dette her.

Tradisjonell latinsk messe feires i Porsgrunn 21. februar

Det er fredag etter Sexagesima søndag som skal feires denne fredagen, og der lyder starten av inngangsverset slik:

Exsurge, quare obdormis, Domine? exsurge, et ne repellas in finem. Quare faciem tuam avertis, oblivisceris tribulationem nostram? adhæsit in terra venter noster: exsurge, Domine, adjuva nos, et libera nos. – Reis deg, Herre, hvorfor sover du? Reis deg og støt oss ikke for alltid bort. Hvorfor vender du ditt åsyn bort, glemmer vår nød? Vårt legeme henger ved jorden. Reis deg, Herre, kom oss til hjelp og frels oss.

Dagen kan også kalles såmannssøndagen pga. evangeliet, fra Lukas 8,4-15, som lyder slik (Bibelselskapets oversettelse 2011):

Mye folk strømmet nå til fra byene omkring. Da en stor mengde hadde samlet seg om Jesus, fortalte han en lignelse:

«En såmann gikk ut for å så kornet sitt. Og da han sådde, falt noe ved veien. Det ble tråkket ned, og fuglene under himmelen kom og spiste det opp. Noe falt på steingrunn, og det visnet straks det kom opp, fordi det ikke fikk væte. Noe falt blant tornebusker, og tornebuskene vokste opp sammen med det og kvalte det. Men noe falt i god jord, og det vokste opp og bar frukt, hele hundre ganger det som ble sådd.» Da han hadde sagt dette, ropte han ut: «Den som har ører å høre med, hør!»

Disiplene spurte ham hva denne lignelsen betydde. Han svarte: «Dere er det gitt å kjenne Guds rikes hemmeligheter. Men de andre får det i lignelser, for at de skal se, men ikke se, og høre, men ikke forstå.

Dette er meningen med lignelsen: Såkornet er Guds ord. De ved veien er de som hører det, men så kommer djevelen og tar ordet bort fra hjertet deres, for at de ikke skal tro og bli frelst. De på steingrunn er de som tar imot ordet med glede når de hører det. Men de har ingen rot; de tror bare en tid, og når de blir satt på prøve, faller de fra. Det som falt blant tornebusker, er de som nok hører ordet, men som på veien gjennom livet kveles av bekymringer, rikdom og nytelser så de ikke bærer fullmoden frukt. Men det i den gode jorden, det er de som hører ordet og tar vare på det i et fint og godt hjerte, så de er utholdende og bærer frukt.

Alle bønner og tekster til denne dagen kan leses her:

Bok: The Inheritance of Rome

De siste to ukene av januar leste jeg meg også gjennom bok to av Chris Wickham, nemlig The Inheritance of Rome. Det var svært mye (noen ganger litt for detaljert) og interessant informasjon på de 600 sidene. Amazon skriver om boka:

The world known as the ‘Dark Ages’, often seen as a time of barbarism, was in fact the crucible in which modern Europe would be created.

Chris Wickham’s acclaimed history shows how this period, encompassing peoples such as Goths, Franks, Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, was central to the development of our history and culture. From the collapse of the Roman Empire to the establishment of new European states, and from Ireland to Constantinople, the Baltic to the Mediterranean, this landmark work makes sense of a time of invasion and turbulence, but also of continuity, creativity and achievement.

Lydbok: The Barbarian Empires of the Steppes

Dette var et emne jeg visste lite om, jeg hadde hørt navnene til Attila huneren (406-453) og Djengis Khan (1162-1227), men ikke så mye mer. Nå har jeg hørt gjennom over 18 timer med foredrag om disse «Barbarian Empires of the Steppes» (kanskje for mye detaljer en del steder) og lært en hel del. Audible skriver om boka:

The word «barbarian» quickly conjures images of Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan. Yet few people realize these men belong to a succession of nomadic warriors who emerged from the Eurasian steppes to conquer civilizations. It’s a part of ancient and medieval history that’s often overlooked, but for an accurate view of how the world evolved, it’s essential.

Covering some 6,000 miles and 6,000 years, this eye-opening course illuminates how a series of groups – from the Sacae and Sarmatians to the infamous Huns and Mongols – pushed ever westward, coming into contact with the Roman Empire, Han China, and distant cultures from Iraq to India.

Along the way, you’ll learn how these nomads caused a domino effect of displacement and cultural exchange; meet fascinating figures such as Tamerlane, the «Prince of Destruction»; witness struggles to control the legendary Silk Road; trace the spread of Buddhism and Islam, and more.

By looking past the barbarian stereotype, you’ll understand who these people were, the significance of their innovations – which include stirrups, saddles, and gunpowder – and the magnitude of their impact. Of course, these warriors did wage campaigns of terror, and you’ll hear many accounts of violence as well.

Led by an award-winning professor, these 36 lectures provide new insights on how the world was shaped and introduce you to cultures and empires you’ve likely never encountered.

Lydbok: The Vikings

Jeg kjøpte denne lydboka for 4-5 år siden, men først nå fikk jeg hørt gjennom den grundig. Den var interessant og tok opp mange flere kulturelle trekk ved vikingene enn jeg hadde regnet med; bl.a. dere bosettninger og innflytelse på Island, Irland, Normandie og Ukraina/Russland. Audible skriver om boka:

As raiders and explorers, the Vikings played a decisive role in the formation of Latin Christendom, and particularly of western Europe.

Now, in a series of 36 vivid lectures by an honored teacher and classical scholar, you have the opportunity to understand this remarkable race as never before, studying the Vikings not only as warriors, but in all of the other roles in which they were equally extraordinary – merchants, artists, kings, raiders, seafarers, shipbuilders, and creators of a remarkable literature of myths and sagas. Professor Harl draws insights from an astonishing array of sources: The Russian Primary Chronicle (a Slavic text from medieval Kiev), 13th-century Icelandic poems and sagas, Byzantine accounts, Arab geographies, annals of Irish monks who faced Viking raids, Roman reports, and scores of other firsthand contemporary documents.

Among the topics you’ll explore are the profound influence of the Norse gods and heroes on Viking culture and the Vikings’ extraordinary accomplishments as explorers and settlers in Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland. And with the help of archaeological findings, you’ll learn to analyze Viking ship burials, rune stones and runic inscriptions, Viking wood carving, jewelry, sculpture, and metalwork. By the end of the series, you’ll have a new understanding of what it meant to be a Viking and a richer appreciation of this remarkable race – a people who truly defined the history of Europe, and whose brave, adventurous, and creative spirit still survives today.

Bok: Medieval Europe

Første halvdel av januar leste jeg meg også (i tillegg til flere lydbøker) gjennom Chris Wickhams Medieval Europe. Det var ganske lærerikt og Amazon skriver om boka:

A spirited and thought-provoking history of the vast changes that transformed Europe during the 1,000-year span of the Middle Ages The millennium between the breakup of the western Roman Empire and the Reformation was a long and hugely transformative period-one not easily chronicled within the scope of a few hundred pages. Yet distinguished historian Chris Wickham has taken up the challenge in this landmark book, and he succeeds in producing the most riveting account of medieval Europe in a generation. Tracking the entire sweep of the Middle Ages across Europe, Wickham focuses on important changes century by century, including such pivotal crises and moments as the fall of the western Roman Empire, Charlemagne’s reforms, the feudal revolution, the challenge of heresy, the destruction of the Byzantine Empire, the rebuilding of late medieval states, and the appalling devastation of the Black Death. He provides illuminating vignettes that underscore how shifting social, economic, and political circumstances affected individual lives and international events. Wickham offers both a new conception of Europe’s medieval period and a provocative revision of exactly how and why the Middle Ages matter.

Lydbok: Alexander the Great – His Life and His Mysterious Death

Jeg har lest en del om Aleksander den store også tidligere, men denne lydboka ga meg en hel del ekstra informasjon om ham. På Audibles nettsider leser man bl.a. dette om den:

More than two millennia have passed since Alexander the Great built an empire that stretched to every corner of the ancient world, from the backwater kingdom of Macedonia to the Hellenic world, Persia, and ultimately to India – all before his untimely death at age 33. Alexander believed that his empire would stop only when he reached the Pacific Ocean. But stories of both real and legendary events from his life have kept him evergreen in our imaginations with a legacy that has meant something different to every era: In the Middle Ages he became an exemplar of knightly chivalry, he was a star of Renaissance paintings, and by the early 20th century he’d even come to resemble an English gentleman. But who was he in his own time?

In Alexander the Great, Anthony Everitt judges Alexander’s life against the criteria of his own age and considers all his contradictions. We meet the Macedonian prince who was naturally inquisitive and fascinated by science and exploration, as well as the man who enjoyed the arts and used Homer’s great epic, the Iliad, as a bible. As his empire grew, Alexander exhibited respect for the traditions of his new subjects and careful judgment in administering rule over his vast territory. But his career also had a dark side. An inveterate conqueror who in his short life built the largest empire up to that point in history, Alexander glorified war and was known to commit acts of remarkable cruelty.

Lydbok: History of Science – Antiquity to 1700

Enda en interessant lydbok er «fortært». Her kan man se den på Audibles nettsider – og lese dette om den:

For well over 2,000 years, much of our fundamental «desire to know» has focused on science. Our commitment to science and technology has been so profound that these stand as probably the most powerful influences on human culture. To truly understand our Western heritage, our contemporary society, and ourselves as individuals, we need to know what science is and how it developed.

In this 36-lecture series, one of science’s most acclaimed teachers takes you through science’s complex evolution of thought and discovery, often originating from ideas that by today’s technological perspective might be considered ridiculous or humorous, although many are still relevant today. You’ll consider science’s often fascinating history, from ancient times to the Scientific Revolution, in terms of several penetrating questions, including two of special importance: Who pursued science, and why? What happened, and why?

In the hands of Professor Principe, the history of science becomes far more than just a litany of dates, significant individuals, and breakthrough discoveries. In examining the evolution of science, he restores the vitally important context that has been lost from the discussion, showing how science is characterized by ideas that link eras widely separated in time. A primary theme is the relationship between science and religion. Today, we tend to see the two as separate and even antagonistic. Theology, in fact, is a principal motivator for scientific inquiry. And in the Middle Ages, Christianity and Islam were of paramount importance in preserving and furthering scientific knowledge.

Program om pave Benedikt på tysk fjernsyn

New Catholic Register omtaler et program som ble sendt på tysk fjernsyn 3. januar, og som beskriver pave Benedikts liv både nå i Vatikanet og tidligere. Se omtalen av programmet og selve programmet (på tysk). De skriver bl.a.:

Benedict XVI appears mentally alert but noticeably frailer and almost unable to speak in a new German television documentary providing a rare glimpse into his daily life.

In the half-hour film aired on Bayerischer Rundfunk (Bavarian state television) on Jan. 3, the 92-year-old Pope Emeritus speaks only three times but in a barely audible voice.

“I used to have a great voice, now it doesn’t work anymore,” Benedict says in the program, which was filmed at his Mater Ecclesiae monastery residence in the Vatican.

“One sees that his strength isn’t there anymore,” his personal secretary Archbishop Georg Gänswein says in the program. “His voice is simply broken, weaker” but he adds that what is “important” to him is “good company” which “lifts his heart” and that he is “at peace with himself.”

His physical appearance has deteriorated considerably over the past couple of years: the documentary shows Benedict thanking guests at his 90th birthday celebration in 2017 with a stronger though still frail voice.

The bulk of the program, entitled “Little Bavaria in the Vatican” and filmed in September, is biographical, recalling Joseph Ratzinger’s childhood, the main events of his life and his personal preferences, interspersed with past interviews with him as cardinal and pope. … …

Lydbok: The Black Death – The World’s Most Devastating Plague

Det er som nevnt mest historiske bøker jeg har hørt og lest under årets frimåned, og denne om Svartedauden var ganske interessant. På Audibles nettsider kan man lese om den:

Many of us know the Black Death as a catastrophic event of the medieval world. But the Black Death was arguably the most significant event in Western history, profoundly affecting every aspect of human life, from the economic and social to the political, religious, and cultural. In its wake the plague left a world that was utterly changed, forever altering the traditional structure of European societies and forcing a rethinking of every single system of Western civilization: food production and trade, the church, political institutions, law, art, and more. In large measure, by the profundity of the changes it brought, the Black Death produced the modern world we live in today.

While the story of the Black Death is one of destruction and loss, its breathtaking scope and effects make it one of the most compelling and deeply intriguing episodes in human history. Understanding the remarkable unfolding of the plague and its aftermath provides a highly revealing window not only on the medieval world but also on the forces that brought about the Renaissance, the Protestant Reformation, and modernity itself.

Speaking to the full magnitude of this world-changing historical moment, The Black Death: The World’s Most Devastating Plague, taught by celebrated medievalist Dorsey Armstrong of Purdue University, takes you on an unforgettable excursion into the time period of the plague, its full human repercussions, and its transformative effects on European civilization.

Lydbok: Great Tours – Greece and Turkey, from Athens to Istanbul

Denne lydboka, som jeg nettopp hørte ferdig, er også en del av Audibles The Great Courses. Om denne kan vi lese:

This is a land of gods and heroes. Here great myths came to life and epic battles were fought, and the wondrous remains of ancient civilizations still call to you from across the centuries.

In The Great Tours: Greece and Turkey, from Athens to Istanbul, award-winning Professor John R. Hale of the University of Louisville is your guide to the fabulous civilizations of the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, and Ottomans, and to the natural wonders and idyllic landscapes that surround them.

These 24 richly enjoyable lectures give you the chance to experience these important sites and cultures through the eyes of an expert archaeologist and scholar, whose knowledge and depth of insight go far beyond any ordinary travel narrative. In each site, you explore the critical history and culture that defined it and the ways in which it influenced our modern world. These lectures offer both a rich resource for travelers preparing to visit these distant lands and a multilevel cultural journey that can be enjoyed just as well from the comfort of home.

25 år siden jeg ble opptatt i Den katolske kirke

28. desember 1994 – på festen for DE USKYLDIGE BARN I BETLEHEM – ble jeg opptatt i Den katolske kirkes fulle fellesskap, og mottok konfirmasjonens sakrament og min første hellige kommunion.

Jeg hadde akkurat et år tidligere sagt opp min jobb i Den evangelisk lutherske frikirke i Arendal, og ga meg selv et halvt år til å tenke meg om (og om nødvendig ombestemme meg) før jeg avslutta min lutherske prestetjeneste i juni 1994 – åtte år etter min lutherske ordinasjon – og begynte skikkelig på min opptakelesesprosess.

Bildet viser meg denne dagen sammen med pastor Alan Littlewood og min fadder. Littlewood hadde kjent til mine planer om å bli katolikk siden november 1993, han tok meg opp i Kirken, og han hjalp meg svært mye i min fortsatte forberedelse fram mot ordinasjonen 8. januar 2000.

Om noen få dager er det altså 20 år siden min prestevielse.

Lydbok: Holy Land Revealed

Jeg hører nå på en del lydbøker, og det er historiske emner som interesserer meg mest. Nå har jeg nettopp hørt gjennom foredragsserien «Holy Land Revealed», som er en del av Audibles Great Courses. Om disse foredragene kan man lese:

As the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, the Holy Land (the area in and around modern-day Israel) is one of the most important regions in the world and the setting for defining events in religious history.

Comb through this evidence for yourself with The Holy Land Revealed, which will add new dimensions to your understanding of this dynamic place. Delivered by archaeologist and award-winning Professor Jodi Magness of The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, these 36 lectures give you an insider’s look at how archaeology helps us relive this period of civilization. And it’s a chance to get up close and personal with long-buried objects that will take you deep beneath the pages of the Bible.

Færre prestekall i Polen

danske Katolsk Orientering leser jeg i dag at «Polen har hatt markant færre prestekall de siste 20 år.» Og siden dette har ganske stor betydning for Norge, som nå har veldig mage polske prester, siterer jeg hele artikkelen her.

Polens primas siger, at overgrebssagerne har haft betydning for den store tilbagegang i antallet af nye præstekald.

”Demografi spiller naturligvis en vigtig rolle i den faldende tendens, men det er bestemt ikke den eneste årsag”, siger ærkebiskop Wojciech Polak til det katolske nyhedsbureau KAI. ”Jeg stiller også spørgsmål ved de unge polakkers trosliv i dag, vores vidnesbyrd om troen i Kirken, verden og i familierne, og vores evne og vilje til at løse vanskelige og smertefulde spørgsmål i Kirkens liv”.

Ærkebiskoppen kommenterede de nyeste kirkelige data, der viser, at 498 begyndte deres uddannelse på et af landets 83 katolske præsteseminarer i år, hvilket er en femtedel mindre end i 2018. Hermed bekræftes tendenser for de sidste tyve år, hvor antallet af seminarister er faldet med 60 %.

Polak henviser også til den ”massive emigration” og ”et større forbrug” som nøglefaktorer, og en ”stadig større ligegyldighed over for det immaterielle og åndelige”.

”Vi ved, det er et komplekst problem, som kræver en dybtgående og kompetent analyse som udgangspunkt for at tage yderligere skridt”, tilføjer han: ”Spændingerne inden for Kirken har også haft betydning, især den mest smertelige af dem alle, pædofiliskandalen. Alt dette, kombineret med mange problemer i relation til opdragelse og familieliv, har skabt en større frygt for at træffe livslange beslutninger”.

Den polske primas tilføjer, at præstemanglen nu udgør “et virkeligt problem” især i mindre sogne, hvor nogle præster nu får ansvar for flere sogne. I 2017 advarede kardinal Kazimierz Nycz af Warszawa om, at Kirken i Polen – ligesom i andre europæiske lande – bliver nødt til at sammenlægge sogne og rekruttere præster fra Asien. I et hyrdebrev i april 2018 skrev landets bispekonference, at Kirken i Polen ikke længere råder over så mange præster, at man fremover vil kunne betjene polske katolikker i udlandet i samme udstrækning som hidtil.

Roma 8. desember

Vi leser også i år at Mariastatuen ved Spansketrappen fikk mye oppmerksomhet og kranser 8. desember, dagen for Jomfru Marias uplettede unnfangelse – en krans blir hengt på Marias arm ved hjelp av en lang stige (se bildet over). Hos Catholic News Agency kan vi lese mer om det som skjedde i dag: «For the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, Pope Francis on Sunday venerated a statue of the Virgin Mary located in Rome’s Piazza di Spagna …»

Man kan lese mer om denne statuen på Wikipedia – og se et større bilde under (klikk på bildet).

CNA-artikkelen skriver videre: «On the feast day, Pope Francis also offered a prayer before the Byzantine Marian icon Salus Populi Romani in the Basilica of St. Mary Major.» Mer om dette bildet kan man lese på Wikipedia og også se bildet under.

En litt nølende støtte til den tradisjonelle latinske messen

I tidsskriftet jeg leser aller grundigst (og som jeg har lest hvert nummer av siden våren 1981), First Things, skriver redaktør R.R. Reno i siste nummer (Desember 2019) i sin faste spalte The Public Square (et stykke ned på siden) om sitt møte med den tradisjonelle latinske messen, som han begynte å gå til sommeren 2018. Her er en hel del av hans tanker om dette:

Et Cum Spiritu Tuo

I don’t know more than a few Latin words and ­phrases. A former Episcopalian, I take for granted the liturgy in the vernacular. I’ve never been punctilious about ritual. I can’t tell you the difference between the “Introit” and the “Gradual.” … … In spite of all that, I’ve been attending a Latin Mass in Manhattan for more than a year.

My initial reasons for switching to the Tridentine rite had to do with the revelations about Theodore McCarrick in the summer of 2018. I was angry, exasperated by the feckless leadership of bishops and their tolerance of moral corruption in their own ranks. But anger, however righteous and fitting in the moment, can turn into bitterness, even despair, corroding faith and undermining the spiritual life. So I knew I had to find an affirmative way to express my disgust with the status quo in the Catholic Church.

Under these circumstances, I turned to the Latin Mass. In church parlance, it is called the Extraordinary Form, as opposed to the order of the Mass established after Vatican II by Paul VI, which is called the Ordinary Form. These terms are exactly right. The Ordinary Form is the almost universal mode of worship for American Catholics, while the Extraordinary Form marks the exception. Thus, my decision to make the Tridentine rite my regular Sunday Mass was a vote of no confidence in the status quo, but not one that pushed the Church away. Going to the Extraordinary Form was a way of drawing nearer, entering into the great storehouse of the Catholic tradition.

There are Mass booklets for the Extraordinary Form that allow you to follow along with a facing-page translation. Even with this aid, it takes time to get oriented. ….

From the outset I was romanced by the long silences. The Tridentine rite emphasizes the priest as mediator. He faces the altar, not the congregation, and he speaks many parts of the Mass in a whisper. His words are directed, on our behalf, toward God, not toward us. This dynamic of prayer (a dialogue between priest as representative and God) affects the worshiper in subtle ways. It encourages each individual member of the congregation to enter into his own silent conversation with the divine. This is especially true during the consecration of the elements.

…. ….

Many priests are suspicious of the Latin Mass. Some are hostile. These responses are understandable. Going to the Latin Mass requires me to decide against attending the Ordinary Form, which is of course widely available throughout New York. And because the priestly vocation comes into its most intense focus in the sacrifice of the Mass, this decision can easily be seen casting doubt on the education and formation of priests over the last fifty years.

But my experiences with the Extraordinary Form have been otherwise. The more familiar I have become with the old rite, the more I see and feel the profound continuities with the new one. The elements of the Mass are the same in both. Furthermore, my experience with the Tridentine Mass allows me to appreciate the intentions of the liturgical reformers of the twentieth century. The old rite is colder and less immediately communal. It presumes a well-catechized congregation. By contrast, the use of the vernacular, the more fulsome lectionary, and the clear articulation by the priest of all the elements of the liturgy make the Ordinary Form more effective as a means for inculcating into the faithful the basic teachings of the Church about the nature of God and the role of Christ as the sacrament of our salvation. And not just the faithful. The Extraordinary Form has an other-worldly allure that might attract unbelievers, but both the Latin language and the ritual remoteness of the rite make it difficult to hear the gospel message. By contrast, the Ordinary Form makes the gospel audible.

At the same time, by attending the Extraordinary Form on a regular basis I have learned more about what has been lost. In the Latin Mass, the priest risks tending toward the caricature of remote hierophant engaged in mysterious rites at a distant altar. In the Ordinary Form, he risks tending toward the caricature of mediocre TV host chatting with his daytime audience of distracted housewives. If forced to choose between the two perversions, I vastly prefer the former.

…. ….

Benedict XVI observed that the Extraordinary and Ordinary Forms are two usages of the ­self-same Roman rite. This does not mean that they do not have distinct charisms, as it were. The Ordinary Form is well suited for evangelization and catechism. My own entry into the Catholic Church was greatly eased by the accessibility of the Mass in the vernacular. Its more horizontal orientation encourages a sense of Christian community, as the liturgical reformers intended. The reduced emphasis on ritual precision shifts attention to the central gospel truths announced in the readings and reiterated in a liturgy readily heard in the language of the people. All these elements enrich the ­Catholic Church.

The charism of the Extraordinary Form is needed as well. At a time when all the institutions of the West, ­including the Church, are wobbling, the antiquity of the Tridentine Mass anchors corporate worship deep in the Church’s past. The remoteness of Latin, a “dead” language, builds a spiritual wall around the Church that helps protect her from capture by the whims and fashions of the contemporary world. The vestments, incense, and ritual create another world, in which it becomes easy to see oneself entering into the precincts of the divine, a prospect at once daunting and joyful. Centuries of use have tuned the Latin Mass to a near perfect pitch. In its more elaborate forms, the orchestrated layers of music, movement, and prayer interweave into a liturgical ­Gesamtkunstwerk, which is why, although the Mass I now attend is thirty minutes longer than the Ordinary Form liturgy, it seems shorter.

I have not become an ardent proponent of the Extraordinary Form. It has limitations, which is why it was reformed in the last century. But I have come to think the Latin Mass can make a contribution to the Church’s renewal. In the twentieth century, influential theologians called for ressourcement, a return to the sources of our Christian faith. We need always to soak ourselves in the living water of the tradition. The Tridentine rite offers an opportunity for ressourcement. This is not an opportunity to be shunned, because Ordinary Form, too, has it limitations, as most of us know only too well. Those limitations are to be expected. We are only at the first stage of what will be an ongoing refinement and perfection of the Mass in the vernacular. And this process, so needed in order to realize the full promise of what was begun at Vatican II, can be enhanced by the example and inspiration of the Extraordinary Form.

Bispedømme på Filippinene vender seg «ad orientem» (og på kan vi lese at biskop Precioso D. Cantillas, SDB, i bispedømmet Maasin på Filippinene nylig har skrevet et brev med overskrift «Turning to God (“Ad Orientem, ad Deum”)» og der skriver han bl.a.:

As we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King this year today, November 24, 2019, let us pledge once again, as His People, the Diocese Maasim, to turn more ardently and devotedly to God, who sent JESUS, His only-begotten Son, Our King and our Saviour. One of the particular ways to express concretely our turning to God is in the celebration of the Liturgy.

We remind ourselves of a very important understanding of the Liturgy as explained by Cardinal Sarah, the Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, “God, not man is at the center of Catholic liturgy. We come to worship Him. The liturgy is not about you and I, it is not where we celebrate our own identity or achievements or exalt or promote our own culture and local religious customs. ….

…. The Cardinal, in his address on the “authentic implementation” of the Vatican II Document on the Liturgy, “invited all priests to celebrate the Mass ad orientem … and that it is very important that we return as soon as possible to a common orientation, of priests and the faithful turned together in the same direction – Eastwards or at least towards the apse – to the Lord who comes, in those parts of the liturgical rites when we are addressing God. This practice is permitted by current liturgical legislation. It is perfectly legitimate in the modern rite. Indeed, I think it is a very important step in ensuring that in our celebrations the Lord is truly at the center.”

Therefore, beginning this new Liturgical Year, the First Sunday of Advent, December 1, 2019, the celebration of Mass “ad orientem” will start in the Diocese of Maasin. The Celebrant and the Faithful will face or turn together in the same direction to the Lord, represented in the Altar and the Crucifix, in those parts of the liturgical rites when we are addressing God. …

We hope that introducing this way of worshipping God in the Liturgy, we become “fellow worshippers united in the one same act of adoration.” The Clergy (Bishop, Priests and Deacons) and the Lay prayer-Leaders will lead the Faithful towards the Lord and not be at the center of liturgical worship themselves. … tar også med bildet under, som de kaller «eine Karikatur zur Veranschaulichung der beiden Zelebrationsrichtungen».

Tradisjonell latinsk messe i Porsgrunn 29. november

Fredag 29. november kl 18.00 feirer jeg den tradisjonelle latinske messen i Vår Frue kirke i Porsgrunn. Denne dagen er det messen for 24. og siste søndag etter pinse som feires, og den hellige Saturnin skal også minnes.

Messens inngangsvers er:

Dicit Dóminus: Ego, cógito cogitatiónes pacis, et non afflictiónis: invocábitis me, et ego exáudiam vos: et redúcam captivitátem vestram de cunctis locis. Benedixísti, Dómine,terram tuam: avertísti captivitátem Jacob. Gloria Patri …. Dicit Dóminus….. – Herren sier: Jeg tenker tanker til fred og ikke til ulykke; dere skal rope til meg, og jeg skal bønnhøre dere, og jeg skal føre fangene deres tilbake fra alle steder. Du har signet ditt land, Herre, du har vendt fangenskapet fra Jakob. Ære være ……

Kollektbønnen er:

Excita, quæsumus Dómine, tuórum fidélium voluntátes, ut dívini óperis fructum propénsius exsequéntes, pietátis tuæ remédia majóra percípiant. Per Dóminum nostrum ….. — Vi ber deg, Herre: Vekk dine troendes hjerter, så de ved dypere å tilegne seg frukten av det guddommelige verk, nådig kan oppnå større midler til frelse. Ved vår Herre …

Man finner alle bønnene og tekstene for 24. søndag etter pinse HER.

Det finnes flere hellige Saturnin, men han som minnes er Den hellige Saturnin av Toulouse (d. ~250?), og om ham kan man lese ganske mye HER.

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