Pave Benedikt og Augustin (dvs. Augustins relikvier)

Pave Benedikt var denne helga i Pavia, i det nordvestre Italia (sør for Milano). Der holdt han foredrag på universitetet, feiret messer, møtte mange mennesker – og han ba også foran Augustins relikvier, som bildet viser. (Selv visste jeg ingenting om Augustins relikvier inntil i dag.)

Følgende ble skrevet om besøket, litt før det fant sted: Soon after his election to the pontificate on April 19, 2005, Benedict XVI was invited by Fr. Robert Prevost, Prior General of the Augustinian order, to come and venerate the remains of St. Augustine which are conserved in the Basilica of San Pietro in Cieldoro, in Pavia. Having accepted invitation, the Holy Father will visit the Basilica where he will light a votive candle before the Saint’s casket in perennial memory of his visit.

The Pope will also bless the corner stone of the planned Augustinian cultural center, which the Order intends to dedicate to Benedict XVI, in honor of the strong spiritual and theological ties binding the Holy Father and the great Doctor of the Church.


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