I Bologna: Restriksjoner på å motta kommunion i hånda

I Italia ble håndkommunion tillatt så sent som 1. søndag i advent 1989, og det er både her og andre steder i verden unntaket, hovedregelen er å motta kommunion direkte i munnen – det faktumet er det kanskje ikke så mange som tenker på. De siste ukene har kardinal Carlo Caffarra i Bologna i Nord-Italia sagt at håndkommunion ikke lneger skal være tillatt i de største kirkene i byen. Slik leser vi på NLM-bloggen:

In recent weeks, parish priests and rectors of churches in our diocese have received notice of the provisions issued by the Cardinal Archbishop, in the face of grave abuses that have occurred in this regard. In particular, the Cardinal has ordered that in the Cathedral of St. Peter, in the Basilica of San Petronio and in the Shrine of the Madonna di San Luca, Communion is distributed to the faithful on the tongue only.

The possibility that was granted to receive the consecrated Host in the hand may, in fact, create «grave abuses», because there are those «who take away the Sacred Species to keep them as «souvenirs», «who sell them», or even worse «who take them way to desecrate them in satanic rituals.» …

«We must take note», Caffarra Cardinal writes, «that unfortunately there have repeatedly been cases of desecration of the Eucharist taking advantage of the possibility to receive the consecrated Bread on the palm of the hand, above all, but not exclusively, on the occasion of great celebrations or in large churches through which many faithful pass.

«For this reason it is good to monitor the moment of Holy Communion starting from complying with the common rules well known to everyone.

«During Communion», we further read in the decree of the Cardinal, «the servers shall assist the Minister, as far as possible, in ensuring that every faithful, after having received the consecrated Bread, consume it immediately before the Minister, and that it not be for any reason taken back to the seat, or placed in pockets or bags or elsewhere, or fall to the ground and be trampled.»

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