Pave Benedikt møtte (den anglikanske) erkebiskopen av Canterbury, Rowan Williams, nå på torsdag, de ba non-bønnen sammen og kom etter en samtale med en felles uttalelse. Det var denne uken 40 år siden første møte mellom paven av erkebiskopen av Canterbury.
En av de mange rapportene fra møtet legger vekt på forskjellen fra sist gang Williams møtte paven, pave Johannes Paul II: Yesterday’s discussions between the Archbishop of Canterbury and Benedict XVI were more lively. The Pope has been transformed. Not only is the role of the pontiff being played, Doctor Who-style, by another man; but that man, Joseph Ratzinger, has also managed to shrug off his own saturnine image and emerge as a beaming pastor with possibly the finest theological mind in the Church.
Les videre i en en artikkel i the Telegraph.
Paven hilste erkebiskopen på denne måten, og kom bl.a. inn på de store problemene som har oppstått i forholdet mellom katolikker og anglikanere de siste årene:
There is much in our relations over the past forty years for which we must give thanks. The work of the theological dialogue commission has been a source of encouragement as matters of doctrine which have separated us in the past have been addressed. The friendship and good relations which exist in many places between Anglicans and Catholics have helped to create a new context in which our shared witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been nourished and advanced. The visits of Archbishops of Canterbury to the Holy See have served to strengthen those relations and have played an important role in addressing the obstacles which keep us apart. …..
Deretter kommer pavens mer kritiske kommentarer.
In the present context, however, and especially in the secularized Western world, there are many negative influences and pressures which affect Christians and Christian communities. Over the last three years you have spoken openly about the strains and difficulties besetting the Anglican Communion and consequently about the uncertainty of the future of the Communion itself. Recent developments, especially concerning the ordained ministry and certain moral teachings, have affected not only internal relations within the Anglican Communion but also relations between the Anglican Communion and the Catholic Church. We believe that these matters, which are presently under discussion within the Anglican Communion, are of vital importance to the preaching of the Gospel in its integrity, and that your current discussions will shape the future of our relations. It is to be hoped that the work of the theological dialogue, which had registered no small degree of agreement on these and other important theological matters, will continue be taken seriously in your discernment. In these deliberations we accompany you with heartfelt prayer. It is our fervent hope that the Anglican Communion will remain grounded in the Gospels and the Apostolic Tradition which form our common patrimony and are the basis of our common aspiration to work for full visible unity.
Fra Les hele pavens hilsen – fra Vatikanets nyhetstjeneste.
Pave Benedikt og erkebiskop kom også med en felleserklæring, som bl.a. inneholdt dette:
Mindful of our forty years of dialogue, and of the witness of the holy men and women common to our traditions, including Mary the Theotókos, Saints Peter and Paul, Benedict, Gregory the Great, and Augustine of Canterbury, we pledge ourselves to more fervent prayer and a more dedicated endeavour to welcome and live by that truth into which the Spirit of the Lord wishes to lead his disciples (cf. Jn 16:13). Confident of the apostolic hope «that he who has begun this good work in you will bring it to completion»(cf. Phil 1:6), we believe that if we can together be God’s instruments in calling all Christians to a deeper obedience to our Lord, we will also draw closer to each other, finding in his will the fullness of unity and common life to which he invites us.
Les hele felleserklæringen fra Vatikanets nyhetstjeneste.