Pave Benedikt snakket om Justin Martyr i gårsdagens onsdagsaudiens, og sa at gjenkjennelsen at Kristus som Logos var grunnen til at den eldste kirkens vektlegging av fornuften og dens bruk av gresk filosofi, isteden for de hedenske religionene.
In an age “like ours marked by relativism in the debate over values and religion as well as in interfaith dialogue,” Benedict XVI reiterated in today’s general audience the alliance between faith and reason with its necessary support in prayer and the link between early Christianity and Greek philosophy against false pagan myths.
In a cold morning with few sunny breaks the Pope spoke to 40,000 people who had gathered in St Peter’s Square. He presented again a “great figure of the early Church,” i.e. St Justin from Nablus, philosopher, martyr and the greatest apologist of the 2nd century, “one of those ancient Christian writers who defended Christianity from the heavy accusations levelled by pagans and Jews;” someone who at the same time had “the missionary vision to propose and present the contents of the faith using a language and mental categories that were understandable to his contemporaries.”
Eg berre lurar, Storstrand, må du finne noko kritikkvedig i alt du les? Det må vere trist å vere så negativ.
Blir bodskapen til Benedict verdilaus på grunn av den eine feilen?
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