Onsdagens paveaudiens om Augustin – jeg var nesten der

Under ondagens paveaudiens (i Paul VI’s auditorium) var jeg delvis på Petersplassen (og så audiensen på storkjermene der) og delvis i Vatikanets bokhandel (der jeg også hørte lyden). Paven hadde visst møtt pilegrimer rett før audiensen i Peterskirken (det visste jeg ikke da), selv gikk jeg inn i kirken (og var der ganske lenge, ca 2 timer) rett etter audiensen.

Paven snakket på nytt om den hellige Augustin, og sa bl.a. at han er alltid levende i sine mange skrifter. Her er et referat av det paven sa, fra Zenit.org:

St. Augustine contributed to the
development of modern politics with a definition of «true secularism» that clearly
marks out the separation between Church and state, says Benedict XVI.

The Pope said this today during his weekly general audience in Paul VI Hall. This
was the fourth address he dedicated to the bishop of Hippo, whose text «De Civitate
Dei» (The City of God) he said has contributed to «the development of modern
political thought in the West and in Christian historical theology.»

Written between 413 and 426, the Holy Father explained that the text came about
after the sacking of Rome by the Goths in 410, after which many pagans expressed
doubt regarding the greatness of the Christian God who seemed incapable of defending
the city.

«It is this charge that was deeply felt by the Christians that St. Augustine
answered with this magnificent work, ‘De Civitate Dei.’ He clarified what we should
and should not expect from God,» said the Pontiff.

He added, «Even today, this book is the source used to clearly define true
secularism and the jurisdiction of the Church, the true and great hope that gives us

The Pope explained that the work is based on one fundamental interpretation of
history — «the struggle between two loves: love of oneself, ‘even to the point of
showing indifference toward God,’ and love of God, ‘even to the point of being
indifferent toward oneself.'»


Benedict XVI also underlined primarily the importance of Augustine’s «Confessions,»
written between 397 and 400, in which «one’s misery in the light of God becomes
praise for God and gratitude because God loves us and accepts us, he transforms us
and raises us toward him.»

«Thanks to the ‘Confessions,'» the Pontiff added, «we can follow step by step the
inner journey of this extraordinary man who was fascinated by God.»

The Pope quoted St. Augustine, who commented at the end of his life on the
aforementioned text: «They exercised such action on me while I was writing them and
do so even now when I reread them. There are many brothers who like these writings.»

He added, «I should also mention that I am one of these ‘brothers.'»

«Today more than 300 letters and 600 sermons from the bishop of Hippo have
survived,» said the Holy Father. «Originally there would have been many more,
perhaps even 3,000 or 4,000, fruit of 40 years of preaching.»

Quoting Augustine’s friend and biographer, Possidius, Benedict XVI said the saint
and theologian is «always alive» in his writings: «He truly lives in his works, he
is present with us, and this is how we see the permanent vitality of his faith to
which he had dedicated all his life.»

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