Avgjørelse tatt om å snu alteret – og feire messen vendt mot Gud

Fr. Jay Scott Newman (som jeg skrev om tidligere) har i dag kunngjort at man i hans menighet vil begynne å feire alle messene «ad orientem» en gang mellom påske og pinse i år. Les hva han skriver:

We will begin to celebrate Mass ad Deum at St. Mary’s sometime between Easter and Pentecost, after all the clergy and servers have been prepared for the logistical changes which will attend this development. We will celebrate the Mass in this fashion for several months until both priests and people have had the opportunity to grow accustomed to a practice that is unfamiliar to us, despite being the norm of Christian worship for nearly all of our history. After a suitable period of acclimation, we will evaluate our progress and review the best practices for our parish, and during the months of testing, I ask only that everyone (no matter whether you support this decision, oppose it, or have no opinion) exercise patience, prudence, and charity. This return to our own tradition is not an exercise of change for the sake of change; it is, rather, an effort to respond to the leadership of our Holy Father, who reminds us that what has been held sacred by all generations of Christians is to be held sacred by us.

Les hele Fr. Newmans tekst for 5. søndag i fasten.

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