En prest i USA (faktisk en gift, katolsk prest) har nylig begynt å feire noen av sine messer (novus ordo) ad orientem/ vendt mot Gud, og han rapporterer hvordan han opplever det:
After celebrating Mass facing the Lord I can report these favorable effects from the priest’s point of view:
1. I don’t have to worry about where to look
2. I don’t have to worry about what my face looks like
3. I can weep at the beauty and wonder of it all without concern
4. I can worship more freely and fully
5. I feel more at one with the people of God
6. I am on a journey to God with the people
7. I am not the focus of attention
8. The elevation of the host and the Ecce Agnus Dei have become more of a focus
9. I feel more part of the great tradition
10. I can’t see who’s not paying attention and feel I have to do something to get their attention back.
Okay, subjective feelings on my part, but I thought some readers might be interested.