Å være rett forberedt til å motta kommunion – fra en doktorgrad om liturgien

En av vårt bispedømmes prestestudenter er allerede en lærd mann, i og med at han har en doktorgrad i teologi når han begynner prestestudiene! Han har skrevet om den liturgiske bevegelses utvikling fram til 1970, og der er det mye interessant informasjon. I min lesning av oppgaven er jeg kommet halvveis, til Pius XII overtar som pave i 1939.

Pave Pius X, som er svært viktig for liturgiutviklinga, har jeg allerede lest om, og der noterte jeg meg interessante ting om hans syn på hyppig kommunion, og hvordan han i sitt dokument ‘Sacra Tridentina’ gjorde det lettere for katolikker å motta kommunion – når han der skrev at:

Frequent and daily Communion, as a practice most earnestly desired by Christ our Lord and by the Catholic Church, should be open to all the faithful, of whatever rank and condition of life; so that no one who is in the state of grace, and who approaches the Holy Table with a right and devout intention (recta piaque mente) can be prohibited therefrom.

«A right intention consists in this: that he who approaches the Holy Table should do so, not out of routine, or vain-glory, or human respect, but that he wish to please God, to be more closely united with Him by charity, and to have recourse to this divine remedy for his weaknesses and defects.» (Sacra Tridentina p. 197)

«Although it is especially fitting that those who receive Communion frequently or daily should be free from venial sins, at least from such as are fully deliberate, and from any affection thereto, nevertheless, it is sufficient that they be free from mortal sin, with the purpose of never sinning in the future; and if they have this sincere purpose, it is impossible but that daily communicants should gradually free themselves even from venial sins, and from all affection thereto.» (Sacra Tridentina pp. 197-198)

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