De fleste har vel fått med seg at president Obama nsten har fullført innføringa av nye helseordninger i USA, der også menensker ut egen helseforsikring skal få skikkelig hjelp når de blir syke. I en av de siste rundene i debatten og voteringene har det blitt avgjort at denne nye, nasjonale helsforsikringa ikke skal betale for abort – og at helsepersonell skal få beholde visse samvittighetsklausuler. Disse forandringene ble lagt til pga sterkt press fra de amerikanske katolske biskopene leser jeg i dag:
«The call came in from Rome, just as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her top lieutenants were scrambling to round up scarce votes to pass their sweeping health overhaul.
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the former archbishop of Washington, was on the line for Pelosi, calling to discuss adding strict abortion restrictions to the House bill.
It was just 1 element of an intensive lobbying effort orchestrated by the nation’s Catholic bishops, who have emerged as a formidable force in the health care negotiations. They used their clout with millions of Catholics and worked behind the scenes in Congress to make sure the abortion curbs were included in the legislation – and are now pressing to keep them there …. «
Her er artikkelen jeg har henta dette fra – og Father Z. kommenterer det også.