En britisk journalist, Mark Dowd , brukte flere hundre timer på å foreberede et program om pave Benedikt, nå før besøket i England og Skottland. I prosessen har han fått et nytt syn på paven (lese hele artikkelen her):
The making of this film has been something of a voyage of discovery for me. I can’t be the only Catholic in the world who had major apprehensions on April 19 2005 as the conclave made its decisive choice to elect the first German pope since the 11th century (I don’t count Adrian VI, born in Utrecht in 1459, part of the Holy Roman Empire). I was worried about whether the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith might be just a little too polarising. I am no expert of conclave arithmetic, but my hunch was that he simply had too many doubters inside the College of Cardinals to get the required votes. Wrong. And I have been wrong about him, too. It is not that he has changed radically since taking up the papacy; it is simply that when you have to make a one-hour programme on one of the most clever and gifted people on the planet you have to look behind the headlines and the angry rants on the blogosphere. In short, you have to do justice to the man as best as you can.
Something similar is going on with Pope Benedict at the moment as has been occurring with John Henry Newman in recent months. Recognising the brilliant intellectual acumen of an individual often leads to wings, sections of the Church, staking their claim. They want to possess them as “their own”. I can understand why. But there are occasionally rare moments when these drives towards colonising the output of a gifted mind simply fail on account of the sheer dynamism and multi-facetedness of the individual concerned. So Pope Benedict’s uncompromising language on homosexuality, his disciplining of liberation theologians and 2007 Motu Proprio on the Old Rite of the Roman liturgy all have conservatives ticking their boxes and approving. But how then to deal with some rather contradictory evidence, not least of all his championing of workers’ rights in Caritas in Veritate and his uncompromising critique of neo-liberal economics?:
“I would like to remind everyone, especially everyone engaged in boosting the world’s economic and social assets, that the primary capital to be safeguarded and valued is man, the human person in his or her integrity” …
But the real delight for me has been in engaging with the writings of this 83-year-old man. The encyclicals have been given deserved space and attention. Yet you have to go back to 1968 for his classic, Introduction to Christianity, a work in which it becomes abundantly clear that, for this gentle and determined Bavarian, that man does not create his own truth through effort and endeavour, but, as he writes: “To believe as a Christian means in fact entrusting oneself to the meaning that upholds me and the world, taking it as the firm ground on which I can stand fearlessly… to believe as a Christian means understanding our existence as a response to the word, the logos, that upholds and maintains all things.” ….
… The predictions of an inflexible Vicar of Rome, “God’s Rottweiler”, in 2005 have been misplaced. Many of us got it wrong and I am happy to say so unambiguously. ….
Jeg leste denne artikkelen tidligere i dag, og det var virkelig oppmuntrende. Jeg håper programmet ender opp med å reflektere Dowds nyvunne positive syn på vår hellige Far.
Jeg må allikeve si at jeg lurte litt på hvorfor det i seg selv skulle være spesielt mot et «konservativt» katolsk syn om sosiallære å kjempe for arbeidernes rettigheter og at mennesket ikke bare skal behandles som et instrument til å nå et mål. Men denne forvirringen kommer kanskje av at mange tolker ordet ut fra det de selv legger i den politiske benevnelsen. Samme forvirring tror jeg nok mennesker som selv regner seg som konservative kan få, og ved assosiasjon samtykker i mye som deres gruppe hevder uten egentlig referanse til hva Kirken egentlig lærer. Av ovennevnte grunner misliker jeg betegnelses som «konservativ» brukt om Troen og de troendes ståsted i henhold til lærespørsmål.