Messen feiret «på riktig måte»

Jeg leste i dag en interessant artikkel om hvordan vår messe kan revitaliseres på best mulig måte; ved impulser fra den gamle messen og ved å bruke de meste tradisjonelle alternativene i den nye messen:

Fr Barthe has just launched a little bombshell called “the Mass the right way round”. … He believes he is supported by a mainstream, described in the Church as the reform of the reform. Explanations. …

In 1997, 10 years before the Motu Proprio, I published a book of interviews, Reconstructing the liturgy. These were interviews about the situation of the liturgy in parishes. The theme is exactly that of this book. It is clear that the Motu Proprio of 2007 gave these ideas new life. This consists of remarking that the two parallel criticisms of the changes under Paul VI, namely the head-on criticism that wants to promote wide dissemination of the earlier liturgy, that of St Pius V, and the reforming criticism, which calls for the reform of the reform, wanting to make a change within the liturgy of Paul VI, are increasingly linked. The proposed reform of the reform cannot be achieved without the backbone of celebrating according to the traditional Missal as widely as possible. The traditional liturgy cannot hope to be massively rehabilitated in ordinary parishes without re-creating a living environment which would the work of the reform of the reform. …

I think … it is totally unrealistic to believe that we can wave a magic wand so that all Masses are celebrated according to the former usage in every parish in the world. However, I note – with many others, some of whom are very high placed – that the missal of Paul VI contains an almost infinite possibility of options, adaptations and interpretations, and that a progressive, systematic or systematically progressive choice of the traditional possibilities it offers, makes its “re-traditionalising” possible in parishes, and quite legally (according to the letter of the law, and its spirit). This is a simple fact: of many parish priests (I have already compiled a quick list for France, which I am careful not to publish, but which is impressive) practicing this reform of the reform, often in stages, and in the vast majority of cases also celebrating the traditional Mass. To answer your question, I would say that I think the Roman liturgy can be saved, which goes, as can be seen in practice, through a two-speed action: getting the St Pius V rite better known and the reform of the reform. This will make it possible, quoting a famous speech of Paul VI, to phase out everything of the reform that is old and obsolete, because it is not traditional. We’ll see what will be saved after this operation. …

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