Dokument fra troskongregasjonen i dag

Jeg gjorde klar denne nyheten allerede tirsdag, men har vært treg med å få den publisert. Man kan på Vatikanets nettsider nå lese en uttalelse fra Troskongregasjonen, som klargjør misforståelser (om Kirkens syn på prevensjon) når mennesker uten innsikt har lest pave Benedikts intervjubok ble publisert for ikke lenge siden:

… in the battle against AIDS, the Catholic faithful and the agencies of the Catholic Church should be close to those affected, should care for the sick and should encourage all people to live abstinence before and fidelity within marriage. In this regard it is also important to condemn any behaviour which cheapens sexuality because, as the Pope says, such behaviour is the reason why so many people no longer see in sexuality an expression of their love …

On the pages in question, the Holy Father refers to the completely different case of prostitution, a type of behaviour which Christian morality has always considered gravely immoral (cf. Vatican II, Pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes, n. 27; Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 2355). The response of the entire Christian tradition – and indeed not only of the Christian tradition – to the practice of prostitution can be summed up in the words of St. Paul: «Flee from fornication» (1 Cor 6:18). The practice of prostitution should be shunned, and it is the duty of the agencies of the Church, of civil society and of the State to do all they can to liberate those involved from this practice.

In this regard, it must be noted that the situation created by the spread of AIDS in many areas of the world has made the problem of prostitution even more serious. Those who know themselves to be infected with HIV and who therefore run the risk of infecting others, apart from committing a sin against the sixth commandment are also committing a sin against the fifth commandment – because they are consciously putting the lives of others at risk through behaviour which has repercussions on public health. In this situation, the Holy Father clearly affirms that the provision of condoms does not constitute «the real or moral solution» to the problem of AIDS and also that «the sheer fixation on the condom implies a banalization of sexuality» in that it refuses to address the mistaken human behaviour which is the root cause of the spread of the virus. In this context, however, it cannot be denied that anyone who uses a condom in order to diminish the risk posed to another person is intending to reduce the evil connected with his or her immoral activity. In this sense the Holy Father points out that the use of a condom «with the intention of reducing the risk of infection, can be a first step in a movement towards a different way, a more human way, of living sexuality.» This affirmation is clearly compatible with the Holy Father’s previous statement that this is «not really the way to deal with the evil of HIV infection.» …

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