Tre engelske prestebloggere

Jeg leser ganske regelmessig tre engelske presteblogger, i tillegg til Father Z.som er ganske så amerikansk, og også andre. Den første av disse tre er Fr. Tim Finigan, som skriver bloggen «The hermeneutic of continuity» – tatt fra pave Benedikt. Fra ham tok jeg nylig bildene fra den tradisjonelle messen i Peterskirken, som han omtaler slik:

L’Osservatore Romano has hundreds of photos from last Sunday’s Pontifical High Mass at the altar of the chair in St Peter’s. The set is headed Pontificale in Rito Romano Antico. There are some very fine shots there. It does rather look as though the Osservatore photographer (Sig. Francesco Sforza) enjoyed having something so beautiful to photograph, with such a magnificent setting, and with such a variety of clergy, religious, and laity in attendance. Furthermore, the presence of four Cardinals is enough to convince any Roman of the way the wind is blowing…

Den neste prestebloggeren er Fr. Ray Blake, som jeg ikke leser så regelmessig, men som også skriver mye interessant på sin «Mary Magdalen» blogg. Jeg tok innlegget om pave Benedikts tiara-gave – om det skriver han:

The Holy Father was presented with a tiara today at the Papal Audience by a group of Catholics and Orthodox. Will he wear it? His normal reaction when presented with a cap or some other headgear is to pop it on, but not today, I suppose cause too much fuss.
I had a friend who taught Pastoral Theology in a seminary, he quoined the phrase about seminarians, «Won’t wear, won’t care», obviously there is always an exception.

PS, Just below the Pope, a friend of mine, Fr Richard Biggerstaff of Lewes, has his back on NLM – just underneath the Pope. Interesting, so many of the younger priests in my diocese are experimenting with ad orientem.

Den tredje er den lærde Fr. John Hunwicke, som skriver både om liturgiske spørsmål med innsikt,og om latin. Slik skrev han nylig om dokumentet Universali Ecclesiae:

One might have expected Universali Ecclesiae; the normal term for «the Universal Church». Universae seems to me deliberately to avoid the formulaic expectation so as to emphasise per variationem that it really is the (yes!) entire Church which is to have a richer appropriation of the Roman Rite. (I take this literally. Just as Latins would have their spirituality immeasurably enriched if they knew the Byzantine Rite better, so Byzantines will be enriched the better they know the riches of the ancient Roman Rite.) …

«Dessverre» bruker alle disse tre, men father Z. og jeg (og andre) bruker WordPress.

Jeg legger til noen flere engelske presteblogger:
Caritas in veritate
Fr. Mildew
Valle adurni

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