I dag la kardinal Wuerl fram en rapport om hva som kommer til å skje med angikanere (episcopale) i USA som ønsker å bli katolikker. Ordinariatet der vil starte i høst (oktober?) og han sier en hel del om hva som skal skje med de anglikanske prestene – prosessen blir litt annerledes enn i Engand, Et ordinariat i Canada vil også opprettes på slutten av året, mens Australia vil komme etter (tidlig?) i 2012. Her er en oppsummering av kardinalens presentasjon;
* There will be an Ordinariate.
* The clergy will be trained according to their needs: an accelerated 9-month course, a longer period of training, or the requirement would supposedly be waived for those judged to be adequately trained.
* Priests will be individually screened by the CDF, undergo psychological evaluation and background checks.
* Priests will be required to resign from their Anglican jurisdictions.
* Parish catechesis will be done by the Anglican priests with help from Catholic priests.
* The Ordinary is not yet named.
* Diaconal ordinations will occur once the candidate is approved and resigned from his Anglican jurisdiction, and will be ordained a priest when the parish/group will be received.
* Cardinal Wuerl has asked the American bishops “as much as possible to facilitate a speedy and generous welcome”.
* The Holy See wants to establish the Ordinariate by this fall.
* There will be a written statement of intention and a profession of faith for all those who will enter the Ordinariate.
Hele kardinal Wuerls presentasjon kan leses her.