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På NLM-bloggen leser jeg i dag om det jeg (og andre som bruker den tradisjonelle liturgien) selvsagt allerede har oppdaget; at vi i den tradisjonelle messen nå feirer pinseoktaven, mens vi i Novus ordo har begynte på det vanlige, grønne kirkeåret:

This week is one of the liturgical seasons where the discrepancies between the two forms of the Roman Rite are most evident; the Extraordinary Form retains the Octave of Pentecost, with its three Ember Days, while the Ordinary Form does not. The presence of such discrepancies is an absolutely anomalous situation in the history of the Roman Rite, and indeed of the whole of Catholic liturgy. This anomaly will be noticed more and more as the number of churches where both forms of the Rite are routinely celebrated grows; to invent an example, the clergy and faithful will more regularly see in the same parish a 9 a.m. Sunday Mass in green for the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, and the 10:30 Mass in violet for Sexagesima. Such a thing was unknown before 1969, and was extremely rare before the 1988 motu proprio Ecclesia Dei.

The Proper of the Seasons (‘Proprium de Tempore’ or ‘Temporale’ in Latin) is built around the most ancient and important features of the Christian year, the shorter cycle of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, and the longer cycle of Lent, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost. Over the centuries, the Church enriched the two cycles with many additions, such as the Ember Days and the various octaves and vigils. …

Jeg syns selv det virker underlig og absolutt unødvendig at pinseoktaven skulle tas bort, og artikkelen jeg referer til mener det samme – og foreslår også at den kan gjeninnsettes:

The Second Vatican Council’s decree on the liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium nowhere suggests that the Temporale should be altered, or that any feature of it should be suppressed. Indeed, article 107 of the same constitution clearly presumes that it will not be changed: “The liturgical year is to be revised so that the traditional customs and discipline of the sacred seasons shall be preserved or restored to suit the conditions of modern times.” This statement is in perfect harmony with the mind of the great scholars of the Liturgical Movement such as Dom Guéranger, Fr. Fortescue and Bl. Ildefonse Schuster, who wished for traditional observances such as the Ember Days to be more deeply inculcated into the spiritual lives of the faithful, as an intrinsic part of the Church’s liturgical patrimony.

Despite what the Council says on the subject, the Proper of the Seasons was notably altered in the Novus Ordo. The four sets of Ember Days, Septuagesima, the Major and Minor Litanies and the octave of Pentecost were all suppressed; Passiontide was effectively subsumed into Lent. Even before the Council, the 1955 simplification of the rubrics suppressed four octaves of the temporal cycle (Epiphany, Ascension, Corpus Christ and the very late Sacred Heart) and one vigil (Epiphany); the vigil of Pentecost was deprived of its very ancient baptismal character in the Holy Week reform of the same year.

One of the best possible examples of the mutual enrichment of the two forms which the Holy Father spoke of in Summorum Pontificum would be restoration to the post-Conciliar liturgy of at least some of the major features which were eliminated from the Proper of the Seasons; most prominent among them would be the octave of Pentecost, the suppression of which famously brought Pope Paul VI to tears. …

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