Nokså ny, katolsk, teologisk blogg

Flere katolske teologer har gått sammen om å skrive en teologi-blogg:, som jeg har sett på en del de siste 5-6 dagene. De skriver under pseudonymer, og forklarer også hvorfor de gjør det. De har bl.a. en interessant side med mange spørsmål og svar (av Reginaldus) på teologiske spørsmål.

Sist helg skrev de følgende om konfirmasjonen i forb. første lesning den søndagen fra Acta 8:

After having been baptized by St. Philip (the deacon, not the apostle), the Christians of Samaria still had need of the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit which is given through the sacrament of confirmation. To this end, it was fitting that the apostles in Jerusalem sent Sts. Peter and John (apostles) to bestow the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands.

In this event, we see both that confirmation is a sacrament distinct from baptism and that it is most necessary in the life of the Church and of the individual believer. It will be fitting for us to reflect upon this sacrament, since this liturgical season is the time most commonly set aside for the administration of confirmation in dioceses throughout the Latin Church.

Recognizing that St. Luke tells us that the Samarian disciples had not yet fully received the Holy Spirit, since they had only been baptized and had not been confirmed; we are led to the following question: How necessary is the sacrament of confirmation? …

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