Il Concilio Vaticano II: una storia mai scritta

Prof. Dr. Roberto de Mattei har mottat den italienske historie-prisen ‘Acqui Storia’ for sin bok om Vatikankonsilet – leser vi på Rorate cæli. Boka oversettes nå til engelsk, og artikkelen har også med et udrag av denne oversettelsen; et utdrag fra en av konsil’fedrene’, som nokså kort tid etter konsilet (på samme måte som Ratzinger) forstå at tolkningen av konsiltekstene løp helt løpsk:

Father Henri de Lubac, one of the “fathers” of the Council, denounced the use and abuse of the principal conciliar documents at a conference held on the 29th of May 1969 at the University of St. Louis in Missouri (U.S.):

«The constitution Dei Verbum – he said – offers the pretext of a narrow Biblicism that disregards all of Tradition and ( therefore)it devours itself”, elaborating “the notion of a ‘faith of the future’, so much so that one no longer discerns what it retains from the Gospel of Jesus Christ; the constitution Lumen Gentium is interpreted “in order to transform the Church into a vast democracy” and to criticize that which is called ‘the institutional Church’ for the sake of an ideal of ‘an amorphous Christianity’ which strikes at the Divine foundation of the Church.”

The opening to the world of Gaudium et Spes becomes “an estrangement from the Gospels, a refusal of the Cross of Christ, a path towards secularism, neglect of the faith and customs, in short, a dissolution in the world, an abdication, a loss of identity, in effect – the betrayal of our duty to the world (…). We also know how the decree on religious liberty has been distorted, when, contrary to its most explicit teaching, it is now concluded that it is not necessary anymore to proclaim the Gospel (…). And how much criticism could be made regarding the constitution on the liturgy, so often misunderstood, at times , even sacrilegiously mocked? Or the Decree on ecumenism? (…) What derision, once again, we find, alas, too frequently, in audacious and ostentatious application of the principals enunciated by the Council for the ‘ proper renewal’ of religious life , all the while, contradicting it! It is perhaps here that the devastation of the crisis is revealed, simultaneously, more serious and more significant (…). What a wretched situation – with abandonment of every kind; there is such degradation in certain cases that they even approach perversions; they are then hidden beneath the banner of ‘prophetism’ or “ the requisite of truth”, under the deception of the word ‘renewal’!

[Footnote: H. De Lubac, The Church in the present crisis, tr. It. Paoline, Rome 1971 pp. 39-49 . The text reproduces the conference given at the University of Saint Louis (Missouri) the 29 May 1969; Church in Crisis, “Theology Digest”, no.17 (1969) pp. 312-325. The conference was also published in “Nouvelle revue Thèologique”, n.91 (1969). pp. 580 -589]

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