Cum iter ad mare cepisset, populus voce magna clamabat: Domine Iesu Christe, salva illum: et Clemens cum lacrimis dicebat: Suscipe Pater spiritum meum. – Da han begynte å bevege seg mot sjøen. ropte folket ut med hly stemme: Å, Herre Jesus Kristus, frels ham! Og Klmens gråt og sa: Far, ta imot min ånd!
Slik var antifonen til dagens laudes, og til matutin kunne vi lese:
Clemens a Roman and disciple of blessed Peter, assigned each of the seven districts of the City to a notary who was to investigate carefully the sufferings of the Martyrs and their deeds and to write them down. He himself wrote a great deal to explain the Christian religion rightly for the salvation of others, Because he was converting many to the faith of Christ by his teaching, and the holiness of his life, he was exiled by the emperor Trajan to the wilderness near the city of Cherson across the Black Sea. There he found two thousand Christians who had been similarly condemned by the emperor. When he had converted many nonbelievers in that region to the faith of Christ, at the command of the same emperor he was cast into the sea with an anchor tied to his neck, and won the crown of martyrdom. His body was later brought to Rome by Pope Nicholas I and honorably buried in the Church which had already been dedicated to him. skriver også om den hellige Klemens.