Ikke særlig tung musikk i kommende søndags messe

Jeffrey A. Tucker skriver i dag at messens proprium for fastetiden har overraskende lyse og lette melodier:

Here is a surprising fact about the Gregorian propers for Sunday during Lent: they mostly explore major keys. … (The chants) mode 8, which might be regarded as the lightest and most elevated, the most song-like, of all the modes. That chant is anything but dreary. … Perhaps the Gregorian tradition is reminding here that while Lent is a penitential season, Sunday does in fact remain a feast day – a real break in the fast. It is a mistake to try to cram the whole of the Lenten spirit into the Sunday Mass.

Første eksempel som viser dette er introitus for føste søndag i fasten (slik det skal synges bl.a. i St Joseph kirke i Oslo kommende søndag):

Og her er offertoriet for samme søndag:

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