Jeg siterer her reglene (i 1963) for hvordan de troende kunne delta aktivt i messefeiringen. Mange vil sikkert bli overrasket over hvor nye som var tillatt og anbefalt – og også morsmålet kunne brukes til en viss grad. Det var altså ikke denne deltakelse av lekfolket som sjokkerte mange i 1969 (da den nye messen kom). Og om man har vært i en tradisjonell messe i Frankrike (eller Tyskland), vil man den dag i dag finne mye aktiv deltakelse og en del bruk av morsmålet. Slik skriver O’Connel (se også DEL 1 og DEL 2):
6. But fuller participation in low Mass is achieved when the entire congregation takes part actively by replying aloud to the celebrant and saying aloud with him, in Latin, those parts of the Mass which are especially theirs, the so-called «dialogue Mass.» The first and simplest form of this is when all the people make the simpler and shorter liturgical responses (Amen; Et cum spiritu tuo; Deo gratias, etc.).
7. A higher degree of participation is achieved when the entire congregation recites the responses appointed for the server at low Mass, (It is not necessary – perhaps not even desirable at first – that the people should be able to answer all the prayers of preparation at the beginning of Mass; nor is it essential that they should be able to do this before passing on to the third degree of participation.) and the communicants recite with the celebrant the triple Domine, non sum dignus before their Communion. A third and more complete degree of active participation is attained when those present recite aloud with the celebrant, in Latin, the parts of the Ordinary of Mass that they sing at high Mass and also the entire Pater noster (including Amen). The fourth and most complete form of the dialogue Mass (possible only for highly trained communities) occurs when those present recite the Introit, Gradual, Offertory, and Communion with the celebrant.
8. That a dialogue Mass may succeed it is evident that the celebrant must recite those parts of the Mass that are to be said aloud clearly and in a tone that can be easily heard throughout the church, aided if necessary in a large church – by a microphone or a loudspeaker; and for the parts that people are to recite with him in a voice that not only enables them but invites and encourages them to join in, and leads them along.
While a dialogue Mass is highly desirable to achieve the active participation of the people in Mass, it is not of obligation, nor is any one of its four possible forms imposed – it is for the rector of the church to judge which of these is feasible at any time – but if it is used it must follow one or other of these forms and other parts of the Mass may not be recited aloud.
Til slutt (i det jeg tar med) skriver han også litt om hvilket språk man kan bruke:
9 a) In high Mass only Latin may be used for liturgical texts.
b) In low Mass for direct participation of the people, i.e., when they recite aloud with the celebrant any one of the liturgical texts that they are allowed to say aloud only Latin may be used. But if (in accordance with local custom) they wish to add prayers and popular chants – which should be in keeping with the parts of the Mass at which they are used – these may be in the vernacular.10. On Sundays and feast days it is desirable at low Mass that the Epistle and Gospel be read by some suitable reader in the vernacular while the celebrant recites them in Latin in the subdued voice.