Erkebiskop Müller, den nye lederen av Troskongregasjonen, er ganske tydelig når han uttaler seg, slik også i går, da han sa at pave Benedikt hadde definert bare én måte å forstå konsilet på; som en fortsettelse av Kirken ubrutte historie. Selvsagt kan man fortsatt diskutere hvordan konsilet best skal forstås, men ytterpunktene på begge sider – som sier at konsilet er et brudd med det Kirken tidligere stod for – kan ikke godtas. Jeg har lest følgende på Catholic News Service (etter tips fra Pray Tell, der utsagnet også diskuteres på en ganske fornuftig måte):
What Pope Benedict XVI has termed «the hermeneutic of reform, of renewal in continuity» is the «only possible interpretation according to the principles of Catholic theology,» Archbishop Gerhard Muller said in remarks published Nov. 29.
«Outside this sole orthodox interpretation unfortunately exists a heretical interpretation, that is, a hermeneutic of rupture, (found) both on the progressive front and on the traditionalist» side, the archbishop said.
What the two camps have in common, he said, is their rejection of the council: «the progressives in their wanting to leave it behind, as if it were a season to abandon in order to get to another church, and the traditionalists in their not wanting to get there,» seeing the council as a Catholic «winter.»
A «council presided over by the successor of Peter as head of the visible church» is the «highest expression» of the Magisterium, he said, to be regarded as part of «an indissoluble whole,» along with Scripture and 2,000 years of tradition.
The doctrinal chief’s remarks were published in the Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, to present the seventh volume of «The Complete Works of Joseph Ratzinger.» The volume collects both published and unpublished notes, speeches, interviews and texts written or given by the future pope in the period shortly before, during and just after Vatican II.
Archbishop Muller specified that by «continuity» Pope Benedict meant a «permanent correspondence with the origin, not an adaption of whatever has been, which also can lead the wrong way.» …