På Rorate cæli fant jeg dette bildet og leste følgende tekst:
For the first time in the diocese of Stockholm since the 1960s, a Solemn High Mass was recently celebrated. This occurred on November 23, during the visit of Msgr. R. Michael Schmitz, Vicar General of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest. The Institute has a growing apostolate in Sweden, where, at the Bishop’s request, it acts as custodian of the Gregorian Mass in Sweden. Mass was celebrated in the church of Marie bebådelse (the Annunciation), the French Dominican Fathers’ former church in the Swedish capital. … …
Hej fader! På Kardinal Dante-Sällskapets blogg kan man läsa mer om såväl levitmässan som msgr Michael Schmitz fjärde besök till Sverige, men också lyssna på msgr Schmitz’ föredrag om det eviga livet (på engelska). Hälsningar från Sverige.