Pasjonstid: evangelium mandagen

I den tradisjonelle kalenderen er hele pasjonstida (fra søndag før palmesøndag) fokusert på motstanden mot Jesus og hans lidelse. Dette leste vi til messen og matutin mandag etter pasjonssøndag:

Johannes 7:32-39
32 Fariseerne hørte at folket gikk og hvisket slik om ham, og overprestene og fariseerne sendte nå ut sine menn for å gripe ham. 33 Da sa Jesus: «Ennå en liten stund er jeg hos dere, så går jeg til ham som har sendt meg. 34 Dere skal søke meg, men ikke finne meg, for der jeg er, dit kan dere ikke komme.» 35 Jødene sa til hverandre: «Hvor vil han dra hen, siden vi ikke skal finne ham? Vil han kanskje reise ut til våre landsmenn blant grekerne og preke for grekere? 36 Hva mener han med det han sa: Dere skal søke meg og ikke finne meg, og der jeg er, dit kan dere ikke komme?» 37 På den siste dag i høytiden, den store festdagen, stod Jesus fram og ropte: «Den som tørster, la ham komme til meg og drikke! 38 Den som tror på meg, fra hans indre skal det, som Skriften har sagt, renne strømmer av levende vann.» 39 Dette sa han om den Ånd de som trodde på ham, skulle få. For Ånden var ennå ikke kommet, fordi Jesus ennå ikke hadde fått del i herligheten.

Homily by St Augustin, Bishop of Hippo. – 31th Tract on John.
How could they take Him until such time as He willed to be taken? If, then, they could not take Him until He willed to be taken, were they sent to watch His teaching? Then said Jesus unto them Yet a little while am I with you what ye now seek to do, ye shall do; but not yet, for I will not so yet. And why will I not so yet? Because yet a little while am I with you, and then I go unto Him that sent Me I must fulfill that which I am sent to do, and so go to suffer.

You shall seek Me, and shall not find Me, and where I am thither ye cannot come. In these words He foretold already His rising again from the dead. While He was with them they would not know Him; and afterwards they sought Him, when they saw that a multitude already believed in Him. For great signs were wrought also when the Lord rose again, and ascended up into heaven. Then were great signs again wrought through the Disciples, that is, through them by Him Who worketh the same directly also by Himself, according as He had said unto them Without Me ye can do nothing. John xv. 5.When that lame man that was laid daily at the Beautiful Gate of the Temple stood up at the voice of Peter Acts iii.and walked, and all the people were filled with wonder, Peter bade them know that it was not by his own power that he had made him to walk, but by the power of Him Whom they had killed. And when they heard this, many were pricked in their heart, and said What shall we do? Acts ii. 37.

Nor they saw that they were burdened with the guilt of an exceeding great sin, in that they had killed Him, Whom it was their duty to worship and adore and for that guilt they knew of no propitiation. Yea, their sin was indeed exceeding great; and the consideration of it made them to despair for whom the Lord, when He hung upon the Cross, had been willing to pray, as it is written Then said Jesus Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. Luke xxiii. 34. At that hour He had seen among many aliens some that were His Own; for them He asked forgiveness, while yet He suffered at their hand, nor considered that they were putting Him to death, but only that He was dying for them.

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