Pave Frans og pave emeritus Benedikt

Pave Benedikt angrer ikke på at han trakk seg tilbake i fjor, og han har ingen tanker om å flytte tilbake til Tyskland. Dette leser vi (på italiensk) i et intervju med hans nærmeste medarbeider, erkebiskop Gänswein. Intervjuet avsluttes slik:

Il Papa emerito non si è mai pentito di essersi dimesso?
Mai. Anche per questo vive totalmente in pace con sé, e con il Signore.

E di farsi chiamare Papa emerito?
Neanche. Ritiene che questo titolo corrisponda alla realtà.

Ha mai pensato di ritirarsi in Germania?
Per quanto posso sapere, mai. Nei miei colloqui con lui non ho mai percepito questo desiderio, questa nostalgia, questa idea.

Og enda mer interessante deler av intervjuet kan leses på engelsk her:

Do the Pope and the Pope emeritus interact frequently?

There is an excellent relationship. The ways in which they interact are various. They telephone, they write, they meet, they eat together. Pope Francis has been a guest for lunch in the monastery several times. Once, after Christmas, the Pope emeritus was also in Santa Marta.

The are some who contrast them.

It is a favorite game, especially for some journalists. Which does not please me. I have the grace of living with one and working with the other. And I can thus allow myself to say that I know both very well. I do not see them as opposed, but as complementary. It is obvious that the style, the gestures, and even the form of government of Pope Francis are different from those of Pope Benedict. But an opposition cannot be established only based on this. Doing things in a different way does not mean doing them in an opposite way. One must always have in mind that which the Pope emeritus wrote to professor Hans Küng and repeated to Andrea Tornielli, when he expressed «identity of views and heartfelt friendship» regarding Pope Francis.

Also in the liturgy the sensibilities are different.

That is true, this is an objective fact, and it is not an offense to say so. But even in this case, I repeat, doing things in a different way does not mean doing them in an opposite way.

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