Anbefaling av tidsskriftet First Things

Jeg har lest hvert nummer (det er 10 nummer hvert år) av tidsskriftet First Things siden vinteren 1991; det er en nokså viktig grunn til at jeg ble katolikk i 1994 (tidligere luthersk, senere katolsk prest Richard John Neuhaus var redaktør fra starten i 1990 til sin død i 2009) og det har gitt meg svært mye nyttig informasjon om katolske, teologiske, politiske og kulturelle temaer i alle disse årene. I mange å fikk jeg det tilsendt i posten (fra USA), men de siste årene har jeg hatt et elektronisk abonnement.

De har de siste ukene hatt en innsamlingsaksjon blant leserne; noen ganger har jeg sendt penger, men denne gangen gjør jeg det de foreslår nederst i sitatet under:

As a reader of First Things, you know we’re a different kind of publication. Where else can you read a theological analysis of populism, listen to a podcast on faith and fatherhood as represented in the movie Logan, or discuss C.S. Lewis and Thomas Aquinas on marriage?

The range of topics is extraordinary, and reflects the range of interests among sophisticated readers like you. But, more profoundly, it reflects how faith animates all aspects of our existence. What unites our work at First Things is that we’re constantly looking out for the “first things” in life—the religious and moral truths that give meaning and depth to human experience.

This mission has attracted the attention of readers like you for more than 25 years. Your magazine subscriptions, website views, social media likes, podcast downloads, and attendance at events have made First Things the best source for reflection on religion, culture, and society in the West. Thank you for your dedication to First Things.

P.S. Don’t forget that you can also help our campaign by sharing our posts on social media. Spreading the word about First Things is a great way to grow our community of readers and friends!


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