Fr Hunwicke skrev for noen dager siden interessant om hvordan den latinske delen av Den katolske kirke i 1950 igjen fikk noen (få) gifte prester. Slik skriver han:
Married Clergy
There are some signs on the Internet of the ordination of married men to the presbyterate of the Latin Church becoming a talking-point.
Just for the record: the practice of ordaining married men who had formerly ministered in Separated Western Ecclesial Bodies did not originate in the post-Conciliar period, nor was it introduced in order to favour ex-Anglicans.
It began in 1950, at the direction of Pius XII, and embraced former Lutheran pastors.
Dette syns jeg er interessant fordi (tidligere) anglikanere oftest knytter gifte prester til noe pave Johannes Paul II gjorde i 1980. Her er et eksempel på hva vi ofte leser:
There is disagreement over exactly when priestly celibacy started in practice, but for nearly all Catholic clergy, marriage has been off the table for about half the Church’s 2,000-year existence.
But in 1980, Pope John Paul II created a special provision for Episcopalian priests and some other Protestant ministers who chose to become Catholic, but wanted to remain active in ministry. …
Men det er altså feil, det var ikke da det begynte, og jeg er glad en tidligere anglikansk prest korrigerer det.