Jeg leser fortsatt i Michael Davies’ bok «Pope Paul’s New Mass» – har passert side 400, og det er fortsatt over 200 sider igjen. Nylig leste jeg om «Den hellige stillheten», som er hans betegnelse på en stille kanonbønnen, som rådet i Kirken ca 1200 år. Han sier bl.a. at to av de viktigste lederne av den liturgiske bevegelsen – Dom Pius Parsch og P. Joseph A. Jungmann – sterkt støttet denne tradisjonen.
«Let us observe the solemn silence of the Canon. This complete silence is the most effective expression of the adoration and reverence due to God Who comes to us in the Mystery of the Mass. The ordained priest of God, like Moses, will enter alone the clouds that cover the mountain of God, while we continue in those sentiments of thanksgiving and reverence that we have learned from the angels. The strains of their chants will re-echo in our thoughts during the breathless silence of the Canon, until with overflowing hearts we join once more in the final, assenting Amen.» (Dom Pius Parsch)
«The priest enters the sanctuary of the canon alone. Up till now the people have thronged about him, their songs at times accompanying him in the fore-Mass. But the songs have become less frequent, and after the steep ascent of the Great Prayer they have come to an end in the triple Sanctus. A sacred stillness reigns; since is a worthy preparation for God’s approach. Like the High Priest of the Old Testament, who once a year was permitted to enter the Holy of Holies with the blood of a sacrificial animal (Hebr. 9.7), the priest now separates from the people and makes his way before the all holy God in order to offer up the sacrifice to Him.» [P. Joseph A. Jungmann)
Her legger Michael Davies til:
The fact that a sacred stillness no longer reigns during the numerous Eucharistic Prayers of the New Mass indicates, …, that the reform we have is not simply contrary to what the Fathers of Vatican II desired, but represents a turning of the back upon the liturgical movement of which Father Jungmann was one of the most outstanding figures.