
Kardinal Brandmüller om gifte prester

Pave Frans gjorde nylig enda et intervju med journalisten Eugenio Scalfari, og der ble det bl.a. referert noe om gifte prester, og om et problem som skulle kunne løses. Vatikanets pressetalsmann, p. Federico Lombardi, sa om dette:

“If it can be maintained that overall the article conveys the sense and spirit of the conversation between the Holy Father and Scalfari, what was said on the occasion of a previous ‘interview’ that appeared in ‘Repubblica’ must be reiterated forcefully, namely that the individual statements reported, in the formulation presented, cannot be attributed to the pope with certainty.»

In particular, Fr. Lombardi cast doubt on the notion that the pope had proclaimed, with regard to the celibacy of the clergy, «I will find the solutions.”

Den tyske kardinalen og historikeren Walter Brandmüller har skrevet om dette hos www.chiesa, og hevder at sølibatskravet/ -idealet går helt tilbake til apostlene. Likevel fins det noen unntak, bl.a. dette:

… There is a similar motivation behind the papal dispensation from celibacy granted – beginning with Pius XII – to the Protestant pastors who convert to the Catholic Church and want to be ordained priests. This rule was recently applied by Benedict XVI to the numerous Anglican prelates who wanted to unite, in conformity with the apostolic constitution “Anglicanorum Coetibus,» with the Catholic mother Church. With this extraordinary concession, the Church recognizes the long and sometimes painful religious journey of these men of faith who have reached their destination with conversion. A destination that in the name of truth leads those directly concerned to renounce even the financial support realized until that moment. It is the unity of the Church, a good of immense value, that justifies these exceptions. …

Den hellige Sunniva og seljemennenes dag i dag

Vårt Land hadde i går en interessant artikkel om Selja, dagen før årets Seljumannamesse. De skriver litt om entusiasmen for Selja lokalt, og om et ganske aktivt økumenisk samarbeid om arbeidet.

De skriver også litt om hvordan man kan forklare den enorme betydningen denne øya har hatt for kristendommen i Norge – for fortellinga om Sunniva og hennes ledsagere er jo egentlig ikke så veldig «nyttig»:

… Torkjell Djupedal driver kulturhuset og overnattingsstedet Doktorgarden i Selje, og er leder for Venner av Selja. Han har skrevet kulturhistorisk bok om øya og legenden. Faren, norskprofessor Reidar Djupedal, skrev på 1960-tallet flere bøker om Selja-historien.

Djupedal mener at de historiske kildene ikke sier sikkert om Sunniva var en virkelig person eller en slags personifisering av noe som hendte på Selja, som så er blitt brukt til for å gi kristen tro fotfeste i Norge.

– At det var irske munker på Selja er ikke usannsynlig. Men det var engelske munker som drev kloster her, skrev ned legenden i 1170 og kalte henne Sunniva, som er et engelsk navn. At merkedagen heter Seljumannamesse og ikke Sunnivamesse tyder også på at man har feiret dagen før Sunniva-legenden ble kjent, mener han.

Olav Haraldsson, som senere fikk navnet Den Hellige, steg først i land på Selja da han kom vestfra for å bli konge og innføre kristendommen.

– En historie forteller at han tråkket i myra slik at foten satte seg fast. «No datt eg», skal han ha sagt til skalden sin. Da svarte skalden: «Nei, du datt ikkje, du festa foten din i landet», forteller Djupedal. ….

Mindre aktivitet på katolske blogger

Den engelske presten, Fr Ray Blake, skriver at han publiserer færre ting på sin blogg nå enn før – i pave Benedikts tid:

…. someone recently asked me why I tend not to post so often as I did, and I must say I have been asking the same question about other bloggers.

The reign of Benedict produced a real flourish of ‘citizen journalists’, the net was alive with discussion on what the Pope was saying or doing and how it affected the life of our own local Church. Looking at some of my old posts they invariably began with quote or picture followed by a comment, Benedict stimulated thought, reflection and dialogue, an open and free intellectual environment. There was a solidity and certainty in Benedict’s teaching which made discussion possible and stimulated intellectual honesty, one knew where the Church and the Pope stood. Today we are in less certain times, the intellectual life of the Church is thwart with uncertainty. …

Nedgangen i innlegg er ganske tydelig også på min blogg – uten at jeg skal prøve å forklare hvorfor. Les Fr Blakes blogginnlegg selv – og les også alle kommentarene han har fått.

Arbeidsdokumentet til familiesynoden

Dette arbeidsdokumentet ble ferdig for ikke mange dager siden, og kan leses på engelsk her – og katolsk.no meldte også at dokuementet når er klart.

På First Things leser vi en interessant artikkel om dette dokumentet, og om hvordan ulike personer og grupper reagerer på det (jeg skrev selv i fjor høst om at det utsendte spørreskjemaet var ganske så komplisert, og ikke la til rett for slagordsmessige uttalelser om hvordan man kan løse ekteskapskrisen i vår tid, eller gi et enkelt svar på hvordan gjengifte kan tas imot i Den katolske Kirke. Sandra Laguerta skriver i First Things:


The Vatican’s upcoming meeting on family life has spurred broad speculation about a new openness to divorced and remarried Catholics. Now commentators are searching a newly issued working document, the Instrumentum Laboris, for clues about the meeting’s direction.

The Instrumentum Laboris is a summary of the diocesan data collected by the Vatican on the modern challenges to the family, and the document will guide the discussions of the extraordinary synod (mostly leaders of national bishops’ conferences) in October, as well as the ordinary synod of world bishops in 2015.

Thomas Reese at National Catholic Reporter describes the document as “boring and joyless.” Boring might be true if one didn’t understand the genre of the document or if one didn’t find it interesting how bishops themselves communicated the pastoral concerns they witness. Joyless perhaps more accurately describes Reese’s own emotions than the actual document:

Despite the numerous problems cited by the working paper, it still has hope for “a new springtime for the family,” which it believes will be led by young people who “see a value in a stable, enduring relationship and express a real desire to marry and form a family.” How this jives with the fact that young people are delaying marriage, hooking up, practicing birth control, and living together before getting married remains to be seen.
The fact that people are delaying marriage for reasons both cultural and economic doesn’t mean they don’t still hope for a committed, stable marriage. A recent Gallup poll found that while 45 percent of Americans are unmarried, only 5 percent say they have no desire to marry.

For my part, I am struck by the rich theological vision and hope of the document. It notes of “a want of an authentic Christian experience, namely, an encounter with Christ on a personal and communal level, for which no doctrinal presentation, no matter how accurate, can substitute.” It is not just that the biblical and magisterial teaching on the family is misunderstood, it is that Catholics lack a felt encounter with Christ and his Church, and so misunderstand who man is, and who he is to God and to his community.

And who is man to God? The Catechism says it succinctly:

Jesus knew and loved us each and all during his life, his agony, and his Passion and gave himself up for each one of us: “The Son of God . . . loved me and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2:20) He has loved us all with a human heart. For this reason, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, pierced by our sins and for our salvation (cf. Jn 19:34) “is quite rightly considered the chief sign and symbol of that . . . love with which the divine Redeemer continually loves the eternal Father and all human beings” without exception. ….

Corpus Christi-prosesjonen i Roma

Filmen over viser Corpus Christi-prosesjonen i Roma i år, torsdag kveld. Den foregikk på tradisjonell måte – mellom Laterankirken og St Maria Maggiore – men i år valgte pave Frans å ikke delta i selve prosesjonen, bare ved starten og avslutningen.

I Norge har det i år vært flere og større sakramentsprosesjonen i dag enn på mange år, men jeg må innrømme at jeg har visse reservasjoner til en praksis som (noen steder) medfører at flere søndagsmesser avlyses – for at man skal kunne samle flest mulig i prosesjonen. De tradisjonelle prosesjonene foregår jo torsdag kveld, og selve prosesjonen er hovedsaken, bl.a. fordi slike prosesjoner samler langt flere mennesker enn noen kirke kan romme – jfr filmen over.

20 år siden min siste gudstjeneste som luthersk prest

Jeg har tenkt litt på det i dag mens jeg har feiret hele fire messer (min kollega er på ferie, og biskopen har gitt meg tillatelse til å overskride grensen på tre messer på en søndag) her i St Hallvard menighet i Oslo, at det var i midten av juni 1994 jeg hadde min avskjedgudstjeneste i Arendal Evangelisk Lutherske Frikirke.

Vi hadde flere fine år i Arendal (og senest forrige helg hadde jeg et hyggelig møte med tidligere menighetsmedlemmer fra Arendal), men jeg har aldri lengtet tilbake til luthersk teologi og liturgi.

Bispesynoden om ekteskapet – 2

Kirkerettseksperten Edward Peters skriver også om den kommende bispesynoden om ekteskapet, men han regner ikke med at det kan bli gitt noen tillatelse til gjengifte om å motta kommunion:

The project to justify holy Communion for divorced-and-remarried Catholics seems to be losing steam. That’s good. As I have said many times, unless one is willing to countenance the administration of the Eucharist to those obstinately persisting in manifest grave sin (pace Canon 915), or is willing to say that typical remarriage after divorce is not the grave sin of adultery (pace CCC 2384), or is willing to say that Christ was wrong about marriage lasting till death and about remarriage after divorce being adultery (pace the New Testament!), then that project was doomed from the start. It’s now time to consider ideas that would strengthen the Church’s witness to marriage, not weaken it.

Father Z tar opp denne tråden (og åpner opp for diskusjon om Peters’ artikkel), men er ikke enig i denne første vurderingen:

It would be good, were it true. I don’t think it is losing steam. I think the valve was closed and the steam is building for the fall meeting. I don’t think that the advocates of Communion for the divorced/remarried will frame it in terms of changing doctrine. They know that if they do, they will be shut down immediately. They will try to stretch doctrine, maybe even suggest that this represents development of doctrine. Then they will play the pastoral card as a trump to doctrinal purity or rigid legalism. They will stress mercy over and against rules. Then they will play the fear card. They will shout that the sky is falling when it comes to practice of the faith by the rank and file. «People are leaving the Church!», they will cry. In short, they will be sly and manipulative.

Edward Peters skriver så om tre andre ting han ønsker bispesynoden skal se på (og det første av disse punktene kjenner jeg ikke til at andre har tatt opp, men jeg har sjekket med bare én kirkerettsekspert):

1. Canonical Form for Marriage. The requirement that Catholics wed before clergy has always been an imposition on the natural and sacramental reality of marriage, and the societal conditions that supported its imposition a few centuries ago have all but disappeared today. Instead of defending marriage, the requirement of form now permits tens of thousands of Catholics annually to walk away from marital unions that we demand all others honor, deprives Catholics in such unions the graces specific to Matrimony, and relegates such unions to the status of concubinage. Further, the pastoral need to blunt the ecclesial consequences for disregarding canonical form has led to the elaboration and/or invocation of several juridically dubious “work-arounds” in such areas as jurisdiction, dispensation, and sanation. The question is: does the requirement of canonical form do more harm than good to the Church’s proclamation of marriage today?

2. The Annulment Process. In the popular mind (including many bishops’), the annulment process is a pastoral mechanism that “works” when it allows Catholics in failed marriages the chance to marry someone else. Correcting this massive misunderstanding about the vital juridic nature of the annulment process is of the utmost importance. Beyond that, however, the annulment process, being established and administered by human beings, is in need of reform especially regarding: (a) appreciating the canonical impact of widespread societal and familial dysfunction on young persons attempting to enter marriage as Christ and his Church proclaim it; (b) the actual or perceived disconnect between the interpretation accorded norms on consent as given in Rome versus that in many other tribunals around the world; (c) the real burdens and benefits associated with mandatory appeal; and (d) the feasibility of allowing third instance tribunals to function in nations that actually need them.

3. Same-sex unions vs. ‘same-sex marriage’. If there is a philosophically, juridically, and pastorally defensible distinction between same-sex unions and ‘same-sex marriage’, the time to articulate that distinction is now. Earlier ecclesiastical documents on this issue, striving (correctly!) to avoid any semblance of support for the idea of ‘same-sex marriage’, rejected same-sex unions in terms that admit of no toleration in the secular arena and indeed, if taken literally, demand sacrifices by Catholics that the Church should, in any age, be loathe to impose. Besides this important clarification of categories, the practical issues occasioned by having faithful in same-sex unions or ‘marriages’ (chiefly in regard to their admission to the sacraments and participation in Catholic public affairs) need systematic elucidation.

Bispesynoden om ekteskapet

Bispesynoden i Vatikanet i høst skal ta opp flere aspekter ved ekteskapet, men fokuset har vært neste bare på om gjengifte (utenfor Kirken) skal få lov til å motta kommunion (noe de ikke har lov til i dag). Sandro Magister skriver om dette:

Pope Francis doesn’t like the discussion in view of the upcoming synod being focused only on communion for the divorced and remarried. He said so to journalists during the flight back to Rome from the Holy Land. His preference is decidedly for a «holistic,» global reflection on the family.

But what focused everyone’s attention on that controversial point was precisely the presentation with which Cardinal Walter Kasper introduced the consistory last February. A presentation that Francis immediately passed with flying colors, telling the cardinals he had found it theologically «profound,» «serene,» thought out «on [his] knees,» and that the Argentine Jesuit Juan Carlos Scannone, the theology professor of the young Jorge Mario Bergoglio, has praised even more highly in the latest issue of «La Civiltà Cattolica.»

The fact is that since that consistory the controversy over communion for the remarried has rocked the Church even at the highest levels. …

I denne artikkelen presnterer Magister noe kardinal Brandmüller har sagt i denne diskusjonen:

As the Church historian that he is – and as president for more than twenty years of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences – Brandmüller has presented in this essay the clash between Pope Nicholas I and Lothair II, king of Lotharingia, in the ninth century.

Lothair first had a mistress named Waldrada, then married the noble Teutberga for the sake of political interests, and later separated from her and married his previous companion, wanting at all costs that the pope should recognize the validity of his second marriage.

But in spite of the fact that Lothair enjoyed the backing of the bishops of his region and the support of Emperor Louis II, who even invaded Rome with his army at one point, Pope Nicholas I – now venerated as a saint – did not give in to his claims and never recognized his second marriage as legitimate. …

I denne artikkelen siterer Magister også noe (nyttig og interessant) som Martin Grichting sier om holdningen til kommunion mer generelt:

The upcoming synod, and in particular the question of the divorced who have «remarried» in a civil ceremony, could be an opportunity for new reflection on the conditions that make sacramental communion fruitful and on the frequency of receiving this sacrament.

The Council of Trent did not prescribe any particular frequency. Then the precept of receiving communion at least once a year was established. [. . .] Although afterward many spiritual authors recommended frequent communion, it was only with the decree «Sacra Tridentina Synodus,» issued by the sacred congregation of the council on December 20, 1905, that the turning point came.

This document, promulgated at the initiative of Pope Pius X, stated that frequent and even daily communion was highly commendable, and invited the faithful to receive it often.

Pius X, however, laid down a few conditions for frequent communion. The faithful must not receive it out of habit, for the sake of vanity or human respect. Above all they must be free from grave sin and have the intention of sinning no more, according to the word of Saint Paul: Let each one recognize the body of the Lord and not eat and drink his condemnation by receiving it unworthily (cf. 1 Corinthians 11:27-29).

Even back then, therefore, one could not think of a general and unrestricted invitation to receive sacramental communion, especially since the rules for Eucharistic fasting were much more restrictive than they are today. In many cases, in fact, communion was distributed only during the first Sunday morning Mass.

But unfortunately the conditions for receiving sacramental communion, which at the time of Pius X were still considered obvious, have practically been ignored by the Church in recent decades. In practice, what remains of the guidelines of Pius X today is only the invitation to frequent communion, which is even interpreted as an invitation extended to all present at the celebration. Today sacramental communion is seen as an obligatory part of the rite of the Mass, like making the sign of the cross with holy water or the exchange of the sign of peace.

So what is needed for those «remarried» in a civil ceremony – but not only them – is a change of mentality. If the conditions mentioned by Pope Pius X for approaching sacramental communion were still applied in pastoral practice, the question concerning sacramental communion for those «remarried» in a civil ceremony would be situated in a broader context more favorable to them. These faithful would no longer be the only black sheep discriminated against, since of course there is not only the sixth commandment but also the rest of the ten.

Moreover, the problem concerning sacramental communion for those «remarried» in a civil ceremony has been getting more serious in recent decades because of the liturgical impoverishment of ecclesial life. In some parishes the liturgy is reduced solely to the Eucharistic celebration. The various forms of popular piety, the different religious functions, Eucharistic adoration, the common recitation of the rosary or the breviary have been ever more marginalized.

Without a doubt, the Eucharist is «the fount and apex of the whole Christian life» (Lumen Gentium, 11). But the thinning out of the forms that prepare for and lead to this apex accentuates the difficult situation of those who, for whatever reason, are unable to approach this fount of Christian life because the personal conditions of their lives do not permit them to do so. …

Mer om Ekmans opptagelse i Kirken

Det var det katolske tidsskriftet Signum som først kom med nyheten om opptagelsen som skjedde onsdag 21. mai. De skriver:

Ulf Ekman, tidigare pastor för Livets Ord, och hans fru Birgitta är nu katoliker. Deras upptagning i den katolska kyrkans fulla gemenskap skedde i dag, onsdagen den 21 maj, inom ramen för en kvällsmässa i kapellet i Birgittasystrarnas kloster i Djursholm strax norr om Stockholm. Officiant var Anders Arborelius, biskop i Stockholms katolska stift. I omedelbar anslutning till själva konversionen mottog Ulf och Birgitta Ekman också konfirmationens sakrament av biskop Arborelius.

Förutom Birgittasystrar deltog ett 40-tal släktingar och vänner från när och fjärran i gudstjänsten. Efter mässan blev det mottagning med gemensam middag i Birgittasystrarnas gästhem.


I Livets Ords tidsskrift (Världen i dag) kan vi også lese følgende om dette:

Ulf och Birgitta Ekman berättar för Världen idag att de valt kapellet i Djursholm.

«Det blev en underbar högtid för oss. Vi är framme och vi är mycket glada och tacksamma till Herren,» säger de.

Resan framåt gör de alltså nu som katoliker.

«Vi tror på fortsatt gemenskap och kärlek mellan oss kristna i Sverige. Det är vår stora förhoppning att endräkten ska växa när vi alla riktar in oss på Jesus och drar oss närmare honom.»

Les hva Ulf Ekman sier til svenske Dagen dagen etter opptagelsen: «Det här är inget brännande av broar, jag kommer att bygga broar».

Ulf og Birgitta Ekman er nå blitt katolikker

Jeg leser i dag i avisa Dagen. Slik står det:

Så er vi da katolikker, skriver Birgitta Ekman på sin Instagram-konto torsdag 22. mai. Hun skriver videre:

Etter en fin høytid i Birgittasystrarnas kapell i Djursholm står vi ved biskop Anders Arborelius mellom oss.

Kapellet ligger noen mil nord for Stockholm i retning Uppsala hvor Ulf og Birgitta Ekman bor. Birgittasystrernas kloster i Djursholm tilhører Birgittinorden, etablert av hellige Birgitta i 1370.

Prestene på bildet er fra venstre: p. Fredrik Emanuelsson (biskopens vikar for evangelisering), p. Ulf Johnson, biskop Anders Arborelius, p. Pascal René Lung (generalvikar).


Leder av Wir sind Kirche i Østerrike ekskommunisert

Fredag kveld leste flere katolikker verden rundt om et katolsk ektepar i Østerrike som fikk opplest en ekskommunikasjon fra Vatikanet – av sin lokale biskop. The Tablet skriver slik om dette:

The head of pro-reform movement We Are Church in Austria has been excommunicated by Pope Francis for «celebrating» Mass, the Austrian press has reported.

According to the Austrian daily Tiroler Tageszeitung Martha Heizer and her husband Gert were excommunicated for regularly “simulating the Mass”, which the Church considers a delictum gravius, or “grave delict”. The couple are now barred from the sacraments.

The couple has reportedly been celebrating Mass privately at their house together with a small group of friends for several years in what they term “celebrations of the Eucharist without a priest”.

Bishop Manfred Scheuer of Innsbruck received the decree of excommunication last night. He took the excommunication decree to their house last night and read it out to them but they refused to accept it. ….

Vatican Insider skriver også om dette.

Er det tortur å nekte mennesker å ta abort?

Det er First Things som skriver slik om uttalelser til FN-eksperter i Geneve:

U.N. experts in Geneva were at it again last week telling the Holy See that Catholic teaching on abortion is a human rights abuse, revealing a chasm between the Church’s understanding of its mission and how U.N. officials perceive it. …

The American on the U.N. Committee Against Torture, Felice Gaer, told the Holy See that the Church’s position on abortion was a “concern” and that “women should have a right to choose.” Prohibitions on abortion are a form of torture according to Gaer—who ironically spent a decade on the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom.

An expert from the country of Georgia tried to be nuanced, and accused the Catholic Church of having “publically shamed” women and doctors who commit abortions through excommunication, thereby torturing them.

This unholy reverse inquisition found its match in Archbishop Silvano Tomasi, Apostolic Nuncio in Geneva, who responded calmly to his questioners. The experts ended up getting a crash course on the separation of Church and State.

“Abortion is a form of torture,” he said, capitalizing on the silence of the committee on late-term abortions in particular. His tone was abrasive—the only time during his grueling six-hour interrogation. He showed no intention of apologizing for the Church’s solicitude for unborn children, telling the committee that this line of questioning was a “direct violation” of religious freedom.

Unfortunately, the Archbishop’s enlightening interpretation of the U.N. convention against torture has almost certainly fallen on deaf ears. …..

Hvordan utfordrer Ulf Ekmans konvertering?

Lederartikkelen i Svensk Pastoral-tidskrift (som jeg nevnte her) skriver også en del del om at Ulf Ekmans konvertering viser at det er behovet for autoritet og kontinuitet som bør utfordre protestanter aller mest. Verken Bibelen alene eller sterke menighetsledere vil fungere i det lange løp, skriver dette lutherske tidsskriftet – selv om de presiserer at de ikke (fullt ut) deler Ekmans konklusjon:

…. Hela protestantismens systemfel är just frånvaron av en fungerande auktoritet. Detta har bland annat lett till en kyrkosplittring av enorma proportioner där nya samfund ideligen bildats, en process som Ekman själv har varit en del av. Mot kyrkans under 1500-talet mer eller mindre korrumperade läroämbete ställde reformatorerna Skriften; där fanns klar och tydlig auktoritet och vägledning, menade man. Men omedelbart började sönderfallet i fraktioner och oliklärande kyrkor, och den nödvändiga auktoriteten fick istället komma utifrån, genom bindande bekännelsedokument och/eller via den lokala furstemakten. Att Skriften var allena och att den skulle kunna utgöra kyrkans auktoritet, det blev en trossats som ideligen visade sig komma på skam. Inget har förändrats på den punkten.

Eftersom Skriften inte fungerar som auktoritet, bjuder »protestantismen» på olika former av substitut för en förlorad sådan. I vissa sammanhang utövas olika former av karismatiskt ledarskap där auktoriteten knyts till en persons förmåga. Så har det påtagligt varit i Livets ord, men Ekmans konversion visar att också denna auktoritet är sårbar. När kungamakten upphörde att utgöra den direkta auktoriteten i Svenska kyrkan, har istället den demokratiska processen, utövad i en politisk kongress som kallas »kyrkomöte», getts funktionen av läroämbete med dithörande auktoritet. Också detta är uppenbart ett substitut – och ett klart otillräckligt sådant.

Frånvaron av fungerande auktoritet riskerar påtagligt att leda till brott med kontinuiteten. Utifrån Skriften allena tror sig somliga kunna konstruera kontinuitet genom att återskapa ett urkyrkligt ideal, som man tror sig finna direkt i Nya testamentets skrifter. Andra hävdar att demokratin utgör en successiv uppenbarelse, och ser inga problem med att den demokratiska processens resultat i centrala frågor motsäger en flertusenårig lärotradition. Utan fungerande läroämbete är kontinuiteten hotad.

Ekmans efterlysning av kontinuitet och auktoritet utmanar Sveriges reformatoriska kyrkor och samfund i grunden. Det måste finnas ett mellanting mellan ytterligheterna i dagens »protestantism». Läroämbetet behövs för att värna bekännelsen, den som skrifterna vittnar om. Utan läroämbete kan bekännelsen förvandlas till vad som helst, och det är precis detta vi idag bevittnar i Svenska kyrkan. …

Er halvparten av alle ekteskap ugyldige?

Kirkerettseksperten Edward Peters er ganske så kritisk til kardinal Kaspers påstand om at halvparten av ale ekteskap er ugyldige (jeg skrev om det her). En slik påstand er ikke dokumentert, skriver han, og påstanden skader som er gift og forsøker å få ekteskapet til å fungere så godt som mulig. Han skriver bl.a.:

….. I worked in tribunals for ten years. I saw hundreds of null marriages—not all of them Catholic, many not even Christian, but hundreds nevertheless. I need no more proof that there are far too many null marriages (including many between Catholics who married in Catholic rites) to let us ignore the great crisis in marriage today. But to parlay “there are too many null marriages” into “half of all marriages are null” seems like hysteria to me.

But maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Kasper (and the pope?) are right, maybe half of all marriages (or at least half of whatever kind of marriages the prelate has in mind) are null. What then?

Well, the first step (or the second, depending on whether one wishes first to know whether this dark view of marriage really is the pope’s) would be, I think, to ask for some evidence in support of such an astounding assertion. Is there a better time than now to present such evidence, if it exists? Surely those preparing for upcoming Synod on Marriage need to know whether the sacrament they are examining is being conferred invalidly as often as it is validly. But, if it turns out that there is no evidence for the claim that marriage is as often chimeric as it is real, then the immediate project shifts to one of repairing the damage done to the psyches of all those preparing for, or struggling in, marriage, damage done by telling such folks that their chances for nothing were as great as their chances for something.

Then, I trust, we can refocus on the real problems in marriage today and marriage law. Of which there are plenty.

Ulf Ekmans konvertering – kommentert av Svenska Kyrkan

En venn tipset meg om en lederartikkel i Svensk Pastoral-tidskrift der de skriver om hva som virker nytt ved denne konverteringen og hvordan den utfordrer oss. (Jeg skriver også snart mer om behovet for autoritet og kontinuitet – som bør utfordre protestanter aller mest.)

… Ekman har varit en av representanterna för ett nytt slags ekumenik, samfundsövergripande till sin karaktär, där inte minst representanter för karismatiska samfund och romerska katoliker samlats till försvar av traditionella kristna trossatser och moraluppfattning, ofta i polemik och avståndstagande bland annat mot episkopala företrädare för Svenska kyrkan.

Ekmans konversion har emellertid släppt fram en hel del antikatolska strömmar inom den traditionella frikyrkligheten, där gamla missuppfattningar och fördomar går igen. Kanske visar detta, att den nya ekumeniken nog i huvudsak har utövats av enskilda personer och ledare, snarare än den varit förankrad på djupet inom respektive samfund. Den frikyrkliga utgångspunkten, präglad av en minst sagt förenklad biblicism, låter sig inte alldeles lätt inordnas i en allmänkyrklig, mer mångfacetterad teologi. Mycket talar för att det är detta som Ekman har kommit att inse.

Många bedömare har valt att kommentera Ekmans konversion utifrån frågan om han gör rätt eller fel, och en del kommentarer bär också tydliga spår av moraliserande. Det är en vansklig ingång. Ingen kan veta vad som rör sig i djupet hos den människa som tar ett så radikalt steg som det är att konvertera, än mindre när det innebär att för andra gången byta samfund, att nu lämna det samfund man själv startat och byggt upp, och att gå från att vara pastor och förkunnare till att av det nya samfundet betraktas som lekman. Man bör alltså vara försiktig med att fälla domar. …

(Hele artikkelen kan nå leses HER som siste lederartikkel, flyttes ett hvert over HIT.)

Pave Paul VI skal saligkåres 19. oktober i år

I dag kl 11.20 ble følgende melding lagt ut på Vatikanradioens nettsider:

Pope Francis has approved the promulgation of the decree for the cause of beatification of his predecessor Pope Paul VI. The approval was announced Saturday.

The beatification ceremony is scheduled to take place October 19, 2014, at the conclusion of the III Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the family. ….

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