
«Pave Frans: Abort er avskyelig bruk-og-kast av liv»

Norske (nett)aviser trykker i dag denne «nyheten» som om det skulle være en nyhet (bl.a. VG her), og NTBscanpix har også laget en video om dette – se under.

Det går ikke klart frem i den norske mediavirkeligheen når og hvorfor pave Frans sa dette (og heller ikke hva han ellers sa), men Vatikanradioen har en grundig oppsummering av hva paven sa under sitt årlige møte med alle verdens diplomater i Vatikanet i går, mandag 13/1-14:

In a state-of-the-world address to the diplomatic corps, Pope Francis on Monday urged for diplomacy and dialogue in finding solutions to conflicts in several trouble spots of the world, and condemned, among other things, the ‘culture of waste’, the horror of abortion, human trafficking, poverty, hunger, malnutrition as well as the greedy exploitation of the environment. Currently, the Holy See has full diplomatic relations with 180 states of the world. In a traditional meeting to exchange new year’s greeting with the ambassadors to the Holy See, Pope Francis recalled fraternity as the foundation and pathway to peace, the theme of his Jan. 1 World Day of Peace message, and urged for combating greed, closing in and isolation, and instead create an open society where there is room of everyone, poor and rich alike, near and afar. Noting a rise in broken families, he called for support to strengthen it. He also called for support to the elderly and the young, saying they are the hope of humanity. Talking about peace, he drew attention to Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran, the Israeli-Palestinian issue, Nigeria, the Central African Republic, Mali and South Sudan. In Asia, he especially recalled 50 year of diplomatic relations with South Korea this year, and prayed for reconciliation between the two Koreas. In the Asian continent he lamented “growing attitudes of prejudice” against Christians, and said the Holy See looks with lively hope to the signs of openness coming from countries of great religious and cultural traditions, with whom it wishes to cooperate in the pursuit of the common good.” The Holy Father also drew attention to the plight of migrants and refugees, drawing attention to the situation in the Horn of Africa and the Great Lakes Region, Latin Americans bound for the United States and those from Africa and the Middle East bound for Europe. The Pope also reminded the diplomats about the threat to peace arising from “the greedy exploitation of environmental resources,” pointing to the devastating effects of natural disasters, such as by the typhoon Haiyan.

Etter dette grundige referatet kan man på Vatkianradioens nettsider lese hele pavens tale (i engelsk oversettelse).

Pave Frans’ katekese om dåpen

Pave Frans begynner nå en ny katekeserekke på onsdagsaudiensene (vi husker sikkert at pave Johannes Paul og pave Benedikt hadde flere lange katekserekker), denne nye serien skal ta for seg sakramentene, og han begynte naturlig nok med dåpens sakramentene onsdag denne uka, og sa (og han snakker faktisk så enkelt):

1. Dåpen er sakramentet som vår hele vår tro er grunnlagt på og som poder oss inn som et levende lem i Kristus og hans kirke. Sammen med nattverden og konfirmasjonen kalles disse tre sakramentene «den kristne innvielse», og er sammen som en stor sakramentale hendelse som konfigurerer oss til Herren og gjør oss til et levende tegn på hans nærvær og hans kjærlighet.

Likevel kan vi stille oss følgende spørsmål: Er dåpen virkelig nødvendig å leve som kristne og følge Jesus? Er det ikke bare et rituale, en formell handling i kirken for å gi et navn til den lille gutten eller jenta? Dette spørsmålet kan man høre. Og her er det apostelen Paulus skriver opplysende: » Vet dere ikke at alle vi som ble døpt til Kristus Jesus, ble døpt til hans død ? Vi ble derfor begravet med ham ved dåpen til døden, slik at som Kristus ble reist opp fra de døde ved Faderens herlighet, kan også vi vandre i et nytt liv » (Rom 6:3-4). Derfor er det ikke en formalitet! Det er en handling som berører dypet av vår eksistens. Et døpt barn og udøpt barn er ikke det samme. En person som er døpt, og en person som ikke er døpt er ikke det samme. Vi er, etter dåpen, nedsenket i en uuttømmelig kilde til liv, som er Jesu død, den største kjærlighetshandling i hele historien, og takket være denne kjærligheten vi kan leve et nytt liv, ikke lenger prisgitt det onde, synden og døden, men leve i fellesskap med Gud og med våre brødre og søstre.

2. Mange av oss har ikke noe minne av feiringen av dette sakramentet, og det er naturlig hvis vi ble døpt like etter fødselen. Jeg har stilt dette spørsmålet to eller tre ganger allerede, her på denne plassen: hvem av dere vet datoen for deres dåp, løft hendene. Det er viktig å vite hvilken dag jeg ble oppslukt av at denne strømmen av Jesu frelse. Og jeg vil tillate meg å gi deg noen råd, ja, mer enn råd, en oppgave for i dag. Når du kommer hjem, gå og se, spør om datoen for din dåp, for på den måten du vil huske denne vakreste dagen, dåpsdagen. For å vite datoen for vår dåp er å huske en velsignet dag. Faren for å ikke vite er at vi kan miste bevisstheten om hva Herren har gjort i oss, minnet om den gaven vi har fått. Dermed ender vi opp med tanke på det bare som en hendelse som fant sted i det siste … og at det har ingen innvirkning på nåtiden.

Vi må vekke minnet om vår dåp. Vi er kalt til å leve ut vår dåp hver dag, den må være en virkelighet i våre liv. Hvis vi klarer å følge Jesus og å forbli i kirken, til tross for våre begrensninger og våre svakheter og våre synder, er det nettopp i sakramentet der vi har blitt nye skapninger og har vært kledd i Kristus. Det er i kraft av dåpen, der er vi blitt frigjort av arvesynden, vi er satt inn i Jesu forhold til Gud og Faderen, vi er bærere av et nytt håp, for dåpen gir oss dette nye håpet ……

3. Et siste punkt, som er viktig. Jeg stiller dere et spørsmål: kan en person døpe seg selv? Nei, ingen kan være selvdøpt! Ingen. Vi kan be om det, ønske det, men vi trenger alltid noen andre til å gi oss dette sakrament i Herrens navn. For dåpen er en gave som er skjenket i en kontekst av omsorg og broderlig deling. Gjennom hele historien døper en person en annen, så en til og enda en … det er en kjede. En kjede av nåde. Jeg kan ikke døpe meg selv: Jeg må spørre en annen om dåpen. … I feiringen av dåpen kan vi se de mest genuine funksjonene i Kirken, som ligner en mor som fortsetter å føde nye barn i Kristus, i fruktbarheten av Den Hellige Ånd.

La oss derfor be Herren fra våre hjerter at vi kan være i stand til å oppleve stadig mer, i hverdagen, av denne nåde som vi har mottatt i dåpen. Og at ved å møte oss kan våre brødre og søstre møte sanne Guds barn, sanne brødre og søstre i Jesus Kristus, sanne medlemmer av Kirken. Og ikke glem leksene deres i dag: finn ut, be om datoen for din egen dåp. Som jeg vet om min fødselsdag, bør jeg også vite om min dåpsdag, fordi det er en festdag.

Pavens katekese var både enkel og kort (her har jeg bare tatt bort et avsnitt i pkt 2). Hele katekesen kan leses på engelsk HER og på (originalspråket) italiensk HER.

Den revolusjonære pave Benedikt XVI

John Allen skriver om de fem viktigste katolske nyhetene som fikk minst oppmerksomhet i 2013, og på første plass blant disse setter han det faktum at pave Benedikt frivillig trådte tilbake. Her er en del av det han skriver om dette:

1. Benedict the revolutionary

Despite images of Francis as a maverick, by far the single most revolutionary act committed by a pope in 2013 came from Benedict XVI in the form of his stunning decision to voluntarily renounce his office. Sometimes lost in the shuffle amid the frenzy over Francis is that Benedict was actually the prime mover in the drama.

Benedict, of course, never had much luck when it came to PR. He came into office with a prefabricated narrative about being «God’s Rottweiler» and «the Vatican’s enforcer» and was never really able to shake it. In terms of public opinion, the difference between Benedict and Francis is perhaps best expressed this way: Under Benedict, people assumed that whatever they didn’t like about the church was because of the pope; now, they tend to think it’s in spite of the pope.

As a result, the tendency is to frame Benedict and Francis almost as matter and antimatter — tradition vs. innovation, dogmatism vs. compassion, etc. Apart from the debatable merit of those perceptions, what they ignore is that Francis would not have happened without Benedict’s decision to stand aside.

Equally notable is the way he’s handled his departure. In his final address to the cardinals Feb. 28, Benedict pledged «unconditional reverence and obedience» to his successor, and he’s held up his end of the deal. Other than a private letter he sent to an Italian atheist that was leaked by the recipient, Benedict has only been seen or heard in public when Francis has come calling or invited him to something.

Despite well-documented umbrage among some about the new direction under Francis, Benedict has done nothing to encourage a «loyal opposition» or to legitimize dissent from the new regime.

In effect, Benedict has gone from infallibility to near-invisibility, and entirely by his own choice. If that’s not a «miracle of humility in an era of vanity,» to invoke Elton John’s Vanity Fair tribute to Francis back in June, it’s hard to know what would be.

At a substantive level, several of the reforms for which Francis is drawing credit, including his cleanup of Vatican finances and his commitment to «zero tolerance» on sex abuse, amount to continuations of policies that began under Benedict.

Even if that weren’t the case, the point remains that the «Francis effect» might have been lost to history without Benedict taking a step no pope had taken in 600 years — and given the markedly different circumstances, one could argue it’s a step no pope had ever taken in quite this way. … …

450 år siden Tridentinerkonsilet ble avsluttet – det gjelder fortsatt

Selvfølgelig gjelder alle ting som ble vedtatt ved konsilet i TRENTO fortsatt – selv om media ser ut til å tro at Pave Frans skal forandre Kirken radikalt og lempe på dens mange strenge krav, etc. 4. desember er det 450 år siden konsilet i Trent ble avskuttet, og i den forbindelse har pave Frans skrevet en tekst (på latin) som jeg her gjengir utdrag fra – der han også slutter seg til den kontinuitetsforståelsen (av alle konsiler, også Vaticanum II) som pave Benedikt argumenterte så tydelig for:

… Sancta Ecclesia huius temporis amplissimam Tridentinam doctrinam etiamnum redintegrat et meditatur. Etenim «interpretatio renovationis» quam Praedecessor Noster Benedictus XVI anno MMV coram Curia Romana explicavit haud minus ad Tridentinum quam ad Vaticanum Concilium refert. Enimvero hic modus interpretandi nitidiore sub luce ponit unam praeclaram Ecclesiae proprietatem quam Ipse Dominus illi impertitur: «Ea videlicet est unum `subiectum’ quod, saeculis decurrentibus, crescit ac augetur attamen semper idem manet. Ea itaque est unum subiectum peregrinantis Populi Dei» (Sermo ad Curiam Romanam Natali in tempore Domini). …

Father Z. skriver om dette og oversetter brevets to første avsnitt til engelsk:

Since the 450th anniversary of the day on which the Council of Trent drew to its favorable end, it is fitting that the Church recall with readier and more attentive eagerness the most rich doctrine which came out of that Council held in the Tyrol. It is certainly not without good reason that the Church has for a long time given such great care to that Council’s decrees and canons which are to be recalled and heeded, seeing that, since extremely grave matters and questions sprang up in that period, the Council Fathers employed all their diligence so that the Catholic faith should come into clearer view and be better understood. Without a doubt as the Holy Spirit inspired and prompted them, it was the Fathers’ greatest concern not only that the sacred deposit of Christian doctrine be defended, but also that mankind be more brightly illuminated, in order that the saving work of the Lord could be diffused throughout the entire globe and the Gospel be spread through the whole world.

Harking closely to the same Spirit, Holy Church in this age renews and meditates on the most abundant doctrine of the Council of Trent. In fact, the “hermeneutic of renewal” which Our Predecessor Benedict XVI explained in 2005 before the Roman Curia, refers in no way less to the Council of Trent than to the Vatican Council. To be sure, this mode of interpretation places under a brighter light a beautiful characteristic of the Church which is taught by the Lord Himself: “She is a ‘subject’ which increases in time and develops, yet always remaining the same, the one subject of the journeying People of God” (Address of His Holiness Benedict XVI to the Roman Curia offering them his Christmas greetings – 22 December 2005). …

Hvordan skal Vatikankonsilet best forstås?

Jeg leser i kveld at pave Frans har skrevet et brev til erkebiskop Marchetto, der han takker ham for hjelp til å forstå Vatikankonsilet korrekt, og ønsker erkebiskopen lykke til videre med sitt arbeid. Slik skriver paven:

Dear Archbishop Marchetto,

With this letter I want to be present with you and unite myself to the presentation of the book “Primato pontificio ed episcopato. Dal primo millennio al Concilio ecumenico Vaticano II” (Pontifical primacy and the epicopacy: from the first millennium to the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council) Please consider me present in spirit. ….

You have manifested this love in many ways, including correcting an error or imprecise comment on my part – and I thank you for that from my heart – but above all it is manifest in all its purity in the studies on the Second Vatican Council. I once told you, dear Archbishop Marchetto, and today I wish to repeat it, that I consider you to be the best interpreter of the Second Vatican Council. I know that this is a gift from God, but I also know that you made it bear fruit. ….

Jeg har skrevet om erkebiskop Marchettos studier om konsilet flere ganger tidligere, bl.a. siterte jeg i januar 2011 følgende om boka The Second Vatican Ecumenical Council: A Counterpoint for the History of the Council :

This important study by Archbishop Agostino Marchetto makes a significant contribution to the debate that surrounds the interpretation of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council. Archbishop Marchetto critiques the Bologna School, which, he suggests, presents the Council as a kind of ‘Copernican revolution’, a transformation to ‘another Catholicism’. Instead Marchetto invites readers to reconsider the Council directly, through its official documents, commentaries, and histories.

Fredag leser jeg også at Zenits italienske sider skriver om dette. Der kalles erkebiskop Marchetto (av paven) «La considero il migliore ermeneuta del Concilio».

Pave Frans overlater den teologiske debatten til andre

Etter at jeg skrev om erkebiskop Müllers artikkel om gjengifte, leste jeg hos www.chiesa om det de mener er Pave Frans’ (Bergoglios) preferanser/ innstilling/ strategi:

To his studies Pastor Bergoglio preferred the care of souls. And today he is doing the same: he is leaving to others the exposition of doctrine. As in the case of communion for the divorced and remarried. …

Bergoglio has never been a theologian, much less an academic. Among the theologians he says that he likes Henri De Lubac and Michel de Certeau. But not because he has assimilated the overall positions of the two, which moreover are very different. He almost always cites only one of De Lubac’s books, «Meditations on the Church,» and almost always only one passage from this: that against the «worldliness» of the Church.

Also as pope he is above all a man of action, of pastoral action. Those who have known him up close and have been friends with him for years – like the twenty interviewed for the book by Alejandro Bermúdez – see in him exceptional qualities of command and noteworthy strategical abilities. None of his actions, none of his words, is ever left to chance. And his priority is the pastoral care of the «people» entrusted to him, who since he has become pope have been extended to the whole world.

His preaching is intentionally suited to this profile. It is primarily addressed to the common people, to the weak in faith, to the sinners, to the faraway. Not as a whole, but as if the pope would like to speak one-on-one with each of them. ….


Pave Frans snakker mye om Satan

I First Things kan vi lese en artikkel om hvor ofte, hvor mye og hvordan pave Frans snakker om Satan og hvordan han arneider:

In 1972, on the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, Pope Paul VI delivered a sermon that startled the world. Describing the chaos then consuming the post-conciliar Church, he lamented: “From some fissure the smoke of Satan has entered the temple of God.”

William Doino Jr.Paul’s words were a warning to all who, taken with the “spirit of Vatican II”—rather than the Council’s actual teachings—had fallen under the sway of dark spirits. But Catholic dissidents didn’t want to be criticized, much less told they might be assisting the devil. So they struck back—with sarcasm, ridicule and contempt. One of Paul’s biographers describes their reaction: Cartoonists refurbished their stock of clichés, producing cloven hoofs, long sinuous tails, ugly contorted faces and terrifying implements of torture. For the cartoonists Paul VI was definitely not a modern man.

Neither, as we’ve come to learn, is Pope Francis—if by “modern” we mean an abandonment of the supernatural, and a flight from Christianity’s most challenging teachings. Like his venerable predecessor, Francis has made it a point to draw the world’s attention to the wiles of the devil. But whereas Paul waited nearly ten years to speak so dramatically about Satan, Francis took only a day.

Within twenty-four hours of being elected, the new pope declared: “When one does not profess Jesus Christ—I recall the phrase of Leon Bloy—‘Whoever does not pray to God, prays to the devil.’” The following day, Francis continued: “Let us never give in to pessimism, to that bitterness that the devil tempts us with every day.” In his homily for Palm Sunday, he spoke of problems which appear insurmountable: “In this moment the enemy, the devil, comes, often disguised as an angel, and slyly speaks his word to us. Do not listen to him!”


Les gjerne videre her.

Pave Frans ba en tenåring si «du» til seg

Under leser vi (fra Catholic Herald) at pave Frans snakket med en italiensk tenåring, og ba ham være «dus». Og noen legger kirkepolitiske ting inn i dette:

…. Pope Francis in getting Stefano to call him ‘tu’ is initiating a very familiar sort of relationship. No one on earth would have called Pope Paul VI ‘tu’ for example, after his immediate family had died. Moreover, the Pope is effectively cutting a swathe through centuries of protocol; it is a little bit like the Queen inviting you to call her Lilibet. And it goes further. The Pope provides us with a theological justification for this informality:

“He said to me, do you think the Apostles would have used the polite form with Christ? “Would they have called him your excellency? They were friends, just as you and I are now, and with friends I’m accustomed to using ‘tu’.”

Where to begin to unpack this? What this remark implies is that the way Christians should relate should take as its template the relationship between Christ and his disciples, a relationship of love not power. It implies that much of what goes on in the Vatican (where the polite form is de rigeur) is based on the worldly power template, and needs to change.

People in the Vatican will be horrified by this, for they will see it, quite rightly, as an attack on the entire modus operandi of the Papal court and the Roman Curia, all of which is based on a rigid if unwritten pecking order. With the use of one word, Pope Francis is signalling to the Vatican insiders that their day is over.

Fem myter om pave Frans

På First Things kan vi lese en interessant artikkel om pave Frans, Artikkelen begynner slik:

He has been called an “improv pope,” a pope of many surprises, but the biggest surprise of all is that Francis continues to elude all efforts to classify him. Since the opening days of his papacy, a flood of commentators have come forth to tell us what to expect of him, only to miss the mark. Among the numerous errors about Francis, five in particular stand out.

1. “Francis is the anti-Benedict.”

Because Pope Francis is from Latin America, and Pope Emeritus Benedict from Germany—and because Francis is a natural extrovert and Benedict more reserved—some people thought that these stylistic differences signaled a difference in their whole way of thinking. But anyone who ever believed that was not being attentive. …

Og de andre fire punktene er de følgende:

2. “Francis is Not a Cultural Warrior.”

Following the first error flows a second: unlike the supposedly hard-edged Benedict, we have been told, Francis has a much softer touch. He avoids confrontation and strident denunciations, and wants no part of any culture war; nowhere is that clearer than in his treatment of the hot-button social issues. Religious reporter Allesandro Speciale recently wrote that Francis “has been less eager to engage in the culture wars over abortion or gay marriage cherished by his predecessors.” Sandro Magister added: “It cannot be an accident that after 120 days of pontificate Pope Francis has not yet spoken the words abortion, euthanasia, homosexual marriage.”

It’s hard to imagine more misleading statements than these. ….

3. “Francis is a ‘Social Justice’ Pope.”

When people say, as they often do, that Pope Francis is a “social justice pope,” what they invariably mean is that he cares about the poor above all else, and will focus his papacy on solving poverty. This is at once obvious and incomplete. Of course Francis, like his predecessors, cares about the poor, … …

4. “Francis Will Be More Charitable Toward Dissenters.”

No sooner was Francis elected than did dissenters start elevating him at the expense of his two predecessors, suggesting he would finally fulfill Vatican II’s promise. But Pope Francis does not see Vatican II as a charter for dissent any more than did Blessed John Paul II or Benedict. Francis has firmly said that to know Jesus is to be in full communion with the Church and Magisterium; …. ….

5. “Francis Loves the World.”

This is the greatest misconception of all. Francis, we are told, has an ease with the world that so many other religious leaders, fearful of modernity, lack. But this is not because Francis loves the world per se. Francis loves people, and wants to lead souls to Christ—and that is why he speaks so often about the devil, and warns against worldly temptation, urging us to flee it. …..

Vatikanstaten innviet til den hellige Josef

13june_pp_frans_benedikt Fredag morgen velsignet pave Frans en ny statue av erkeengelen Mikael i Vatikanets hage, og samtidig innviet han Vatikanstaten til den hellige Josef. Her er slutten av hans korte tale:

… Cari fratelli e sorelle, noi consacriamo lo Stato Città del Vaticano anche a San Giuseppe, il custode di Gesù, il custode della Santa Famiglia. La sua presenza ci renda ancora più forti e coraggiosi nel fare spazio a Dio nella nostra vita per vincere sempre il male con il bene. A Lui chiediamo che ci custodisca, si prenda cura di noi, perché la vita della Grazia cresca ogni giorno di più in ciascuno di noi.

På norsk:
Kjære brødre og søstre, vi vigsler også Vatikanstaten til den hellige Josef, vokteren av Jesus, vokteren av den hellige familie. Hans nærvær gjør oss sterkere og modigere til å gi plass for Gud i våre liv, slik at vi alltid kan overvinne det onde med det gode. Vi ber Ham om å beskytte oss, og ta vare på oss, slik at nådens liv vokser sterkere i den enkelte av oss fra dag til dag.

Les om dette på engelsk her.

Videoen under viser pave Frans og pave emeritus Benedikt sammen, og pave Frans holder en kort tale og velsigner en ny statue av erkeengelen Mikael.

Pave Frans om liturgien

Jeg har sikkert skrevet altfor lite om liturgiske spørsmål i det siste. (!) Her er en artikkel om pave Frans’ svar til biskoper som gjerne vil begrense/stoppe de tradisjonelle messene i sitt bispedømme, og også hans svar på om han vil beholde sin nokså tradisjonelle seremonimester, msgr. Marini. Om det siste spørsmålet leser vi: «He has refused, saying that he wants to benefit from Mgr Marini’s traditional formation and to allow Mgr Marini also to be formed by him.» Fra Continuity-bloggen:

The Bishops of the region of Tavoliere met recently with Pope Francis on an ad limina visit. On their return home, one has given a fascinating glimpse of the attitude of Pope Francis to those who are seeking to use the opportunity of his papacy to attack the traditional Mass. This is reported in the Italian paper Il Foglio, in the article: La messa antica non si tocca, il Papa gesuita spiazza ancora tutti («The old mass is not to be touched, the Jesuit Pope wrong-foots everyone»)

Here is my translation of the relevant part of the article which tells of other bishops raising concerns with the Holy Father and goes on to speak of the intervention concerning the old Mass:

Then it was the turn of the bishop of Conversano and Monopoli, Domenico Padovano, who recounted to the clergy of his diocese how the priority of the bishops of the region of Tavoliere had been that of explaining to the Pope that the mass in the old rite was creating great divisions within the Church. The underlying message: Summorum Pontificum should be cancelled, or at least strongly limited. But Francis said no.

Mgr Padovano explained that Francis replied to them saying that they should be vigilant over the extremism of certain traditionalist groups but also suggesting that they should treasure tradition and create the necessary conditions so that tradition might be able to live alongside innovation.

Pave Frans’ tjeneste innviet til Vår Frue av Fatima


Pave Frans hadde selv bedt om at dette skulle gjøres – og vi leser følgende om det som skjedde 13. mai i Fatima:

Entrusting Pope Francis’ pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima, Cardinal Jose da Cruz Policarpo of Lisbon, Portugal, asked Mary to give the pope courage and strength, particularly as he moves to renew and reform the Catholic Church.

“Give him the gift of discernment to know how to identify the ways of renewal of the church; give him the courage not to hesitate to follow the ways suggested by the Holy Spirit; support him in the hard hours of suffering to overcome with the charity the trials that the renewal of the church will bring,” the cardinal prayed May 13, the feast of Our Lady of Fatima.

Cardinal Policarpo recited the prayer, which he wrote himself, at the end of a Mass concluding a major international pilgrimage to Fatima for the feast day marking the 96th anniversary of the apparition of Mary to three children.

“We consecrate to you, Our Lady, mother of the church, the ministry of the new pope,” he prayed. “Fill his heart with the tenderness of God that you experienced so that he can embrace all the men and women of our age with the love of your son Jesus Christ.”

The Portuguese cardinal, who participated in the conclave that elected Pope Francis, said the new pope had asked him twice to consecrate his pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima. He also asked Mary to give Pope Francis “the desire to be a pilgrim to this shrine.”

To paver i Vatikanet

På Catholic News Agency leser vi:

Benedict XVI has returned to the Vatican after moving to the papal summer household outside of Rome to not interfere with the papal election.

“He is now pleased to return to the Vatican, where he intends to devote himself, as he announced on Feb. 11, to the service of the Church in prayer,” said a Vatican statement released on May 2.

The former Pope was picked up by helicopter at 4:30 p.m. from the grounds of Castel Gandolfo, the papal summer residence that is located on the edge of a volcanic crater lake, about 15 miles southeast of Rome.

He had been living in the house for two months as a temporary arrangement since he resigned on February 28. ….

Se hele messen fra Peterskirken søndag 21. april

Pave Frans ordinerte flere menn til prestetjeneste forrige søndag, og denne gangen syns jeg messen lignet mye på det vi ble vant til under pave Benedikt. Riktignok var messens hovedspråk italiensk og ikke latin, men messe 8 og Credo 3 ble sunget, og det hele var ganske høytidelig.

Pave Frans: En kristen er ikke sin egen sjef, og må være modig

Pave Frans holder visst en preken i sin daglige morgenmesse, og her skriver Catholic Herald om et par av disse prekenene:

Following Jesus isn’t complicated but it does takes courage, Pope Francis has said in recent morning Mass homilies at the Vatican.

The Pope celebrated Mass on Saturday with volunteers who work at a Vatican pediatric clinic for immigrants and the poor, and on Monday with the staff of the Vatican press office. Both Masses were held in the chapel of the Domus Sanctae Marthae, where the Pontiff currently lives.

“Sometimes we are tempted to be too much our own bosses and not humble children and servants of the Lord,” the Pope said during Monday’s Mass, according to Vatican Radio.

In the day’s Gospel reading (Jn 10:1-10), Jesus describes himself as the “gate for the sheep” and talks about thieves and robbers who try to climb over or under the fence to get into the sheepfold.

Pope Francis explained that there is a constant temptation to “find other gates or windows for entering into the kingdom of God, but one can enter only through that gate called Jesus.”

Even within the Christian community, he said, there are “climbers,” who want to give themselves glory or choose a path to happiness that isn’t Christ.

“Some of you may say: ‘Father, you’re a fundamentalist.’ No, simply put, this is what Jesus said,” the Pope told the congregation.

The way to show that you have entered the fold through Christ, he added, is to be living examples of the beatitudes, “be poor, be meek, be just” and “do what Matthew 25 says” by feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, caring for the sick and visiting prisoners.

Two days earlier, celebrating Mass with the pediatric clinic volunteers, Pope Francis spoke about “lukewarm Christians,” who consciously or not, try to build a church to their own liking, demanding it measure up to their expectations rather than trying to live up to its expectations. …

Pave Benedikt og pave Frans

Sta Sunniva av Selja-bloggen skriver slik om pave Benedikt og pave Frans – et synspunkt jeg slutter meg til:

De siste ukene har mange folk latt det gå sport i å hylle Pave Frans på bekostning av Pave Benedikt XVI. Jeg klarer ikke ta del i den sporten. Jeg gleder meg over det som Pave Frans bringer inn av gaver til Kirken, men jeg gleder meg like mye over det som Pave Benedikt gav og over den han er.

Ta nå for eksempel dette som mange henger seg opp i: Skoene og klærne. Når Pave Benedikt brukte røde sko og kledde seg i rødt så var det ikke av forfengelighet, men fordi rødt er martyriets farge. Når paven og kardinalene er kledd i rødt symboliserer det at de er villige til å dø for Kristus.

Pave Benedikt var (blant uendelig mange andre ting) opptatt av Kirkens skjønnhet og dens symbolspråk – Kirkens «tegnspråk» om du vil. Det er jeg også.

Mange henger seg også opp i paveboligen. Når Pave Benedikt bodde i paveleiligheten var det ikke fordi han tenkte høye tanker om seg selv. Tvert imot var (og er) han en beskjeden mann som alltid beholdt det selvbildet som vi ble kjent med da han ble valgt. Den gang, den 19. april 2005, sa han fra balkongen: «Etter den store Pave Johannes Paul II har kardinalene valgt meg, en ydmyk arbeider i Herrens vingård.»

Siden gjorde han det: Han arbeidet ydmykt i Herrens vingård. Det gjør han fortsatt – i skjul for verden, men i bønn for oss alle, for Kirken og hele verden.

Takk, Pave Benedikt XVI, for din trofaste kjærlighet og din trofaste forbønn. Vi trenger deg fortsatt.

Gratulerer med dagen Benedikt XVI!

Pope Benedict XVI

Pave emeritus Benedikt XVI fyller 86 år i dag. En annen prest skriver om dette:

I will say Holy Mass today for his intention.

Will you all stop and say a prayer for Benedict, perhaps even several times today? Ask others to do so as well?

He has great devotion to Our Lady. Perhaps you could say the Rosary for him.

We all owe him much gratitude.

Jeg leser også messen for ham i kveld.

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