Nattverden er kilden til kristen glede

«Kilden til kristen glede er eukaristien, som gir kristne til alle tider den dype gleden som er fred og kjærlighet, og som har sine røtter i fellesskapet med Gud og med våre medtroende», sa paven på Petersplassen søndag. Og han sa videre:

Last Tuesday the postsynodal apostolic exhortation «Sacramentum Caritatis» was presented. This document has as its theme the Eucharist as source and summit of the life and mission of the Church. I elaborated this theme, gathering the fruits of the 11th General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops that took place in the Vatican in October 2005.

I plan to return to such an important text but at the moment I would like to underline that it is an expression of the faith of the universal Church in the eucharistic mystery, and that it places itself in continuity with the Second Vatican Council and the magisterium of my venerated predecessors, Paul VI and John Paul II.

In this document I wanted, among other things, to highlight its connection with the encyclical «Deus Caritas Est»: That is why I chose «Sacramentum Caritatis» as the title, retrieving St. Thomas Aquinas’ beautiful definition of the Eucharist, «sacrament of charity.»

Yes, in the Eucharist, Christ wanted to give to us his love, which led him to offer his life for us on the cross.


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