Pave Benedikt er en miljøvernforkjemper – han hadde på seg grønne klær sist søndag!

Noen utenlandske aviser har nå framstilt pave Benedikt som en miljøvernforkjemper; fordi han hadde på seg grønne klær på 22. søndag i kirkeåret – samme farge som alle andre biskoper og prester i Den katolske kirke, og mange andre kirkesamfunn. Det er underlig å se den uvitenheten som fins rundt om i avis- og nyhetsredaksjoner.

I The Independent leser vi: Wearing green vestments, the Roman Catholic liturgical colour of hope, Pope Benedict XVI yesterday urged half a million youngsters to save the planet while there was still time.

It was, perhaps, a case of preaching to the converted. Most of the 500,000 crowd perched on a hillside near the Italian Adriatic city of Loreto had come with backpacks made of recyclable material. They had been eating their meals off bio-degradable plates and re-charging their mobile phones with a hand-cranked charger. When the Pope held Mass, there was an audible rustling as the eco-friendly masses turned the recycled paper pages of their prayer books.

The American Papist analyserer dette litt grundigere:
The press has already decided that his entire homily was primarily about saving the planet «before it’s too late» (to quote from the Reuters headline). I’m going to reproduce the relevant passage where the Pope does speak about safeguarding Creation. This quotation consists of 162 words out of a 2,569 word address:

«One of the fields in which it is urgent to work is most definitely that of safeguarding creation. The new generations are responsible for the future of the planet, which shows evident signs of a development that has not always known to preserve the delicate balances of nature. Before it is too late, we must make courageous choices with a view to a strong alliance between man and the earth.

We need a decisive Yes to safeguarding creation and a strong commitment to reverse those tendencies which risk bringing us to a situation of irreversible (environmental) degradation. That is why I appreciate the initiative of the Italian Church to promote greater sensitivity to the problems of protecting the environment by designating a national day for this purpose on September the first.

This year, attention is directed towards water, a most precious asset which, unless it is shared in a just and peaceful way, will become a cause for tensions and bitter conflicts.»

… and that’s it: an entirely reasonable admonition for youth to protect Creation. Notice that the scope of the stewardship, as I read it, focuses on problems of micro environments, i.e, scarcity of water in certain regions, and a plural reference to the «balances of nature».

1 hendelser på “Pave Benedikt er en miljøvernforkjemper – han hadde på seg grønne klær sist søndag!”

  1. Ha, ha, ha, ha!
    Sekularmedia kan virkelig dette med å kunnskapsløst dumme seg ut.

    Forøvrig hørte jeg lattermildt på radio for ikke lenge siden, der en amerikanskutdannet lingvist(sic) uttalte seg om et sjarmerende besøk hos en eller annen urbefolkning. Hedningene (de var faktisk det) hadde sunget en masse rituelle sanger for lingvisten, og hun fortalte om dette på radio, dypt rørt.
    Hun hadde vært forbauset over at de kunne alt utenat(det varte i timesvis) og hun spurte om koret hadde lest i sangbøker. Til svar fikk hun at «We know it by heart»
    Nesten oppløst i romantisk svermeri om edle villmenn, fortalte hun så på radio at : «Tenk, han svarte at de kunne den i hjertet sitt»……………

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